# insight `insight` is a web server allowing you to edit markdown articles and host the rendered result publicly. ### Features - customizable homepage (it's an article as well) - anonymous and email-protected articles (sending emails requires easy DKIM/SPF configuration) - CSS queries-based light/dark theme selection - on-disk JSON database → easy backups - easily dockerized ### To-do - email templates - automatic deletion of anonymous posts after configurable duration ### Setup 1. Install [the Rust toolchain](https://rust-lang.org/) 2. Get insight: ```text $ cargo install insight ``` 3. Create `config.json`: ```json { "domain-name": "i.l0.pm", "dkim-private-key-path": "dkim.pem", "dkim-selector": "insight2022", "articles-dir": "articles", "mail-dir": "mail", "mail-username": "insight", "listen-address": "", "new-article": "new", "manage": "manage", "home": "home", "allow-creation": true } ``` 4. Create required directories: ```text $ mkdir articles mail ``` 5. Start the server: ```text $ insight -c config.json ``` > This will accept requests from all IP addresses 6. Access the server from a web browser to generate the home page: http://localhost:9090/ 7. Edit your home page 8. Save the home page edition link (which is secret) to be able to edit it again later 9. Go to http://localhost:9090/new to create other posts. ### Security considerations HTML tags are currently stripped from posts at render-time to prevent cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. We rely on the `pulldown_cmark` crate to detect these tags. If you manage to get any JS code to execute in the post viewer via markdown, please file an issue because it shouldn't happen. ### License: MIT