//! qqq : write proper description #![ cfg_attr( feature = "type_name_of_val", feature( type_name_of_val ) ) ] // // #![ cfg_attr( feature = "nightly", feature( type_name_of_val ) ) ] // #![ rustversion::attr( nightly, feature( type_name_of_val ) ) ] // // To run this sample, please make sure you are on nightly rustc and switched on feature "nightly" // // To switch to nightly rustc run: // ``` // rustup default nightly && rustup update // ``` // // To run the sample with switched on feature "nightly" run: // ``` // cargo run --features nightly // ``` // pub use inspect_type::*; // #[ rustversion::nightly ] fn main() { // #[ cfg( feature = "nightly" ) ] // { // inspect_type_of!( &[ 1, 2, 3 ][ .. ] ); // // < sizeof( &[1, 2, 3][..] : &[i32] ) = 16 // inspect_type_of!( &[ 1, 2, 3 ] ); // // < sizeof( &[1, 2, 3] : &[i32; 3] ) = 8 // } // #[ cfg( not( feature = "nightly" ) ) ] // { // println!( "\nTo run sample correctly, run sample on nightly rustup channel. To change channel run :" ); // println!( "rustup default nightly\n" ); // println!( "The command from the root of the sample :" ); // println!( "cargo run --features nightly\n" ); // println!( "The command from the root of module :" ); // println!( "cargo run --example inspect_type_trivial --features nightly" ); // } }