# Intasend A Rust SDK for the [IntaSend](https://intasend.com) payment gateway. > 📌 Attention > > This project is in its early stages of development. Breaking changes may be introduced, and stability is not guaranteed until a stable version is released. Use sparingly in production until stability is achieved and be prepared for potential issues or changes in the future. ## Installation ```shell cargo add intasend ``` ## APIs Documentation This SDK is based on the IntaSend's official developers API. Click the resources below for documentation and code examples. - [Accept Payment](https://developers.intasend.com/docs/checkout-links) - [M-Pesa STK Push](https://developers.intasend.com/docs/m-pesa-stk-push) - [Send money B2C and B2B, MPesa, IntaSend, and Bank](https://developers.intasend.com/docs/send-money) - [Wallet as a Service](https://developers.intasend.com/docs/wallets) - [Refunds](https://developers.intasend.com/docs/creating-refunds) ## APIs Implemented - [x] Collection - [x] Checkout - [x] Refunds - [x] Payouts - [x] Wallets - [ ] Payment links - [ ] Collection customers - [ ] Subscriptions & subscription plans ## Maintainer(s)/Contributor(s) 1. [MikeTeddyOmondi](https://github.com/MikeTeddyOmondi) #### License This projects is licensed under the [MIT](./LICENSE.md) license.