import ctypes import reference_project as r from reference_project import api import time N = 1_000_000 r.init_api("../../../../target/debug/interoptopus_reference_project.dll") def bench(file, name, f, reference=0): start = time.perf_counter() for i in range(N): f() end = time.perf_counter() nanos = (end - start) * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 nanos_per_single = (nanos / N) - reference name = f"`{name}`" print("|", name.ljust(50), "| {:,.0f} |".format(nanos_per_single), file=file) return nanos_per_single # ptr = (ctypes.c_int64 * 100)(100, 2, 3) # empty = r.Empty.c_array(1) with open("", 'w') as f: print(""" # FFI Call Overheads The numbers below are to help FFI design decisions by giving order-of-magnitude estimates how expensive certain constructs are. Times were determined by running the given construct 1M times, taking the elapsed time in ticks, and computing the cost per 1k invocations. ## System The following system was used: ``` System: i9-9900K, 32 GB RAM; Windows 10 rustc: stable (i.e., 1.53 or later) profile: --release Python: 3.10 ``` ## Results | Construct | ns per call | | --- | --- |""", file=f) reference = bench(f, "empty", lambda: 0) bench(f, "primitive_void()", lambda: r.api.primitive_void(), reference) bench(f, "primitive_u8(0)", lambda: r.api.primitive_u8(0), reference) bench(f, "primitive_u16(0)", lambda: r.api.primitive_u16(0), reference) bench(f, "primitive_u32(0)", lambda: r.api.primitive_u32(0), reference) bench(f, "primitive_u64(0)", lambda: r.api.primitive_u64(0), reference) bench(f, "many_args_5(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)", lambda: r.api.many_args_5(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), reference) # bench(f, "ptr(x)", lambda: r.api.ptr(ptr), reference) bench(f, "tupled(r.Tupled())", lambda: r.api.tupled(r.Tupled()), reference) # bench(f, "complex_args_1(r.Vec3f32(), empty)", lambda: r.api.complex_args_1(r.Vec3f32(), empty), reference) bench(f, "callback(lambda x: x, 0)", lambda: r.api.callback(lambda x: x, 0), reference) # bench(f, "pattern_ffi_slice_delegate(lambda x: x[0])", lambda: r.api.pattern_ffi_slice_delegate(lambda x: x[0]), # reference) # bench("pattern_ffi_slice_delegate_huge(lambda x: x[0])", lambda: r.pattern_ffi_slice_delegate_huge(lambda x: x[0]), reference) # ??