from __future__ import annotations # Print usable error message if dependency is not installed. try: from cffi import FFI from typing import TypeVar, Generic T = TypeVar("T") except ImportError: print("Ensure you run Python 3.7+ and have CFFI installed (`pip install cffi`).") exit(1) # Raw API definition for CFFI. api_definition = """ const uint8_t CFFI_U8 = 255; const float CFFI_F32_MIN_POSITIVE = 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000011754944; const int32_t CFFI_COMPUTED_I32 = -2147483647; typedef enum cffi_enumdocumented { CFFI_ENUMDOCUMENTED_A = 0, CFFI_ENUMDOCUMENTED_B = 1, CFFI_ENUMDOCUMENTED_C = 2, } cffi_enumdocumented; typedef enum cffi_enumrenamed { CFFI_ENUMRENAMED_X = 0, } cffi_enumrenamed; typedef struct cffi_generic2u8 cffi_generic2u8; typedef struct cffi_generic3 cffi_generic3; typedef struct cffi_generic4 cffi_generic4; typedef struct cffi_opaque cffi_opaque; typedef struct cffi_simpleservice cffi_simpleservice; typedef struct cffi_simpleservicelifetime cffi_simpleservicelifetime; typedef enum cffi_ffierror { CFFI_FFIERROR_OK = 0, CFFI_FFIERROR_NULL = 100, CFFI_FFIERROR_PANIC = 200, CFFI_FFIERROR_FAIL = 300, } cffi_ffierror; typedef struct cffi_extratypef32 { float x; } cffi_extratypef32; typedef struct cffi_inner { float x; } cffi_inner; typedef struct cffi_phantomu8 { uint32_t x; } cffi_phantomu8; typedef struct cffi_someforeigntype { uint32_t x; } cffi_someforeigntype; typedef struct cffi_structdocumented { float x; } cffi_structdocumented; typedef struct cffi_structrenamed { cffi_enumrenamed e; } cffi_structrenamed; typedef struct cffi_tupled { uint8_t x0; } cffi_tupled; typedef struct cffi_useasciistringpattern { uint8_t* ascii_string; } cffi_useasciistringpattern; typedef struct cffi_vec { double x; double z; } cffi_vec; typedef struct cffi_vec1 { float x; float y; } cffi_vec1; typedef struct cffi_vec2 { double x; double z; } cffi_vec2; typedef struct cffi_vec3f32 { float x; float y; float z; } cffi_vec3f32; typedef struct cffi_visibility1 { uint8_t pblc; uint8_t prvt; } cffi_visibility1; typedef struct cffi_visibility2 { uint8_t pblc1; uint8_t pblc2; } cffi_visibility2; typedef struct cffi_weird1u32 { uint32_t x; } cffi_weird1u32; typedef uint8_t (*cffi_fptr_fn_u8_rval_u8)(uint8_t x0); typedef uint32_t (*cffi_fptr_fn_u32_rval_u32)(uint32_t x0); typedef struct cffi_array { uint8_t data[16]; } cffi_array; typedef struct cffi_genericu32 { uint32_t* x; } cffi_genericu32; typedef struct cffi_genericu8 { uint8_t* x; } cffi_genericu8; typedef struct cffi_weird2u8 { uint8_t t; uint8_t a[5]; uint8_t* r; } cffi_weird2u8; typedef struct cffi_slicebool { uint8_t* data; uint64_t len; } cffi_slicebool; typedef struct cffi_sliceu32 { uint32_t* data; uint64_t len; } cffi_sliceu32; typedef struct cffi_sliceu8 { uint8_t* data; uint64_t len; } cffi_sliceu8; typedef struct cffi_slicemutu32 { uint32_t* data; uint64_t len; } cffi_slicemutu32; typedef struct cffi_slicemutu8 { uint8_t* data; uint64_t len; } cffi_slicemutu8; typedef struct cffi_optioninner { cffi_inner t; uint8_t is_some; } cffi_optioninner; typedef void (*cffi_fptr_fn_pconst)(void* x0); typedef struct cffi_sliceuseasciistringpattern { cffi_useasciistringpattern* data; uint64_t len; } cffi_sliceuseasciistringpattern; typedef struct cffi_slicevec3f32 { cffi_vec3f32* data; uint64_t len; } cffi_slicevec3f32; typedef uint8_t (*cffi_fptr_fn_Sliceu8_rval_u8)(cffi_sliceu8 x0); typedef void (*cffi_fptr_fn_SliceMutu8)(cffi_slicemutu8 x0); typedef cffi_vec3f32 (*cffi_fptr_fn_SliceVec3f32_rval_Vec3f32)(cffi_slicevec3f32 x0); void primitive_void(); void primitive_void2(); bool primitive_bool(bool x); uint8_t primitive_u8(uint8_t x); uint16_t primitive_u16(uint16_t x); uint32_t primitive_u32(uint32_t x); uint64_t primitive_u64(uint64_t x); int8_t primitive_i8(int8_t x); int16_t primitive_i16(int16_t x); int32_t primitive_i32(int32_t x); int64_t primitive_i64(int64_t x); int64_t many_args_5(int64_t x0, int64_t x1, int64_t x2, int64_t x3, int64_t x4); int64_t many_args_10(int64_t x0, int64_t x1, int64_t x2, int64_t x3, int64_t x4, int64_t x5, int64_t x6, int64_t x7, int64_t x8, int64_t x9); int64_t* ptr(int64_t* x); int64_t* ptr_mut(int64_t* x); int64_t** ptr_ptr(int64_t** x); int64_t* ref_simple(int64_t* x); int64_t* ref_mut_simple(int64_t* x); bool ref_option(int64_t* x); bool ref_mut_option(int64_t* x); cffi_tupled tupled(cffi_tupled x); cffi_ffierror complex_args_1(cffi_vec3f32 a, cffi_tupled* b); cffi_opaque* complex_args_2(cffi_someforeigntype cmplx); uint8_t callback(cffi_fptr_fn_u8_rval_u8 callback, uint8_t value); uint32_t generic_1a(cffi_genericu32 x, cffi_phantomu8 y); uint8_t generic_1b(cffi_genericu8 x, cffi_phantomu8 y); uint8_t generic_1c(cffi_genericu8* x, cffi_genericu8* y); uint8_t generic_2(cffi_generic2u8* x); uint8_t generic_3(cffi_generic3* x); uint8_t generic_4(cffi_generic4* x); uint8_t array_1(cffi_array x); cffi_enumdocumented documented(cffi_structdocumented x); cffi_vec1 ambiguous_1(cffi_vec1 x); cffi_vec2 ambiguous_2(cffi_vec2 x); bool ambiguous_3(cffi_vec1 x, cffi_vec2 y); cffi_vec namespaced_type(cffi_vec x); cffi_ffierror panics(); cffi_enumrenamed renamed(cffi_structrenamed x); void sleep(uint64_t millis); bool weird_1(cffi_weird1u32 x, cffi_weird2u8 y); void visibility(cffi_visibility1 x, cffi_visibility2 y); cffi_tupled repr_transparent(cffi_tupled x, cffi_tupled* r); uint32_t pattern_ascii_pointer_1(uint8_t* x); uint8_t* pattern_ascii_pointer_2(); uint32_t pattern_ascii_pointer_len(uint8_t* x, cffi_useasciistringpattern y); cffi_sliceuseasciistringpattern pattern_ascii_pointer_return_slice(); uint32_t pattern_ffi_slice_1(cffi_sliceu32 ffi_slice); cffi_vec3f32 pattern_ffi_slice_2(cffi_slicevec3f32 ffi_slice, int32_t i); void pattern_ffi_slice_3(cffi_slicemutu8 slice, cffi_fptr_fn_SliceMutu8 callback); void pattern_ffi_slice_4(cffi_sliceu8 slice, cffi_slicemutu8 slice2); void pattern_ffi_slice_5(cffi_sliceu8* slice, cffi_slicemutu8* slice2); void pattern_ffi_slice_6(cffi_slicemutu8* slice, cffi_fptr_fn_u8_rval_u8 callback); uint8_t pattern_ffi_slice_delegate(cffi_fptr_fn_Sliceu8_rval_u8 callback); cffi_vec3f32 pattern_ffi_slice_delegate_huge(cffi_fptr_fn_SliceVec3f32_rval_Vec3f32 callback); cffi_optioninner pattern_ffi_option_1(cffi_optioninner ffi_slice); cffi_inner pattern_ffi_option_2(cffi_optioninner ffi_slice); uint8_t pattern_ffi_bool(uint8_t ffi_bool); uint64_t pattern_api_guard(); uint32_t pattern_callback_1(cffi_fptr_fn_u32_rval_u32 callback, uint32_t x); cffi_fptr_fn_pconst pattern_callback_2(cffi_fptr_fn_pconst callback); cffi_ffierror simple_service_destroy(cffi_simpleservice** context); cffi_ffierror simple_service_new_with(cffi_simpleservice** context, uint32_t some_value); cffi_ffierror simple_service_new_without(cffi_simpleservice** context); cffi_ffierror simple_service_new_with_string(cffi_simpleservice** context, uint8_t* ascii); cffi_ffierror simple_service_new_failing(cffi_simpleservice** context, uint8_t some_value); cffi_ffierror simple_service_method_result(cffi_simpleservice* context, uint32_t anon1); uint32_t simple_service_method_value(cffi_simpleservice* context, uint32_t x); void simple_service_method_void(cffi_simpleservice* context); uint8_t simple_service_method_mut_self(cffi_simpleservice* context, cffi_sliceu8 slice); void simple_service_method_mut_self_void(cffi_simpleservice* context, cffi_slicebool slice); uint8_t simple_service_method_mut_self_ref(cffi_simpleservice* context, uint8_t* x, uint8_t* y); uint8_t simple_service_method_mut_self_ref_slice(cffi_simpleservice* context, uint8_t* x, uint8_t* y, cffi_sliceu8 slice); uint8_t simple_service_method_mut_self_ref_slice_limited(cffi_simpleservice* context, uint8_t* x, uint8_t* y, cffi_sliceu8 slice, cffi_sliceu8 slice2); cffi_ffierror simple_service_method_mut_self_ffi_error(cffi_simpleservice* context, cffi_slicemutu8 slice); cffi_ffierror simple_service_method_mut_self_no_error(cffi_simpleservice* context, cffi_slicemutu8 slice); cffi_sliceu32 simple_service_return_slice(cffi_simpleservice* context); cffi_slicemutu32 simple_service_return_slice_mut(cffi_simpleservice* context); uint8_t* simple_service_return_string(cffi_simpleservice* context); cffi_ffierror simple_service_method_void_ffi_error(cffi_simpleservice* context); cffi_ffierror simple_service_method_callback(cffi_simpleservice* context, cffi_fptr_fn_u32_rval_u32 callback); cffi_ffierror simple_service_lt_destroy(cffi_simpleservicelifetime** context); cffi_ffierror simple_service_lt_new_with(cffi_simpleservicelifetime** context, uint32_t* some_value); void simple_service_lt_method_lt(cffi_simpleservicelifetime* context, cffi_slicebool slice); void simple_service_lt_method_lt2(cffi_simpleservicelifetime* context, cffi_slicebool slice); uint8_t* simple_service_lt_return_string_accept_slice(cffi_simpleservicelifetime* anon0, cffi_sliceu8 anon1); cffi_ffierror simple_service_lt_method_void_ffi_error(cffi_simpleservicelifetime* context); """ ffi = FFI() ffi.cdef(api_definition) _api = None def init_api(dll): """Initializes this library, call with path to DLL.""" global _api _api = ffi.dlopen(dll) U8 = 255 F32_MIN_POSITIVE = 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000011754944 COMPUTED_I32 = -2147483647 class CHeapAllocated(Generic[T]): """Base class from which all struct type wrappers are derived.""" def __init__(self): pass def c_ptr(self): """Returns a C-level pointer to the native data structure.""" return self._ctx def c_value(self) -> T: """From the underlying pointer returns the (first) entry as a value.""" return self._ctx[0] class int8_t(CHeapAllocated[T]): """One or more heap allocated primitive `int8_t` values.""" def __init__(self, x: int = None): self._ctx ="int8_t[1]", [0]) if x is not None: self._ctx[0] = x @staticmethod def c_array(n:int = None) -> CArray[int]: return CArray("int8_t", n) class int16_t(CHeapAllocated[T]): """One or more heap allocated primitive `int16_t` values.""" def __init__(self, x: int = None): self._ctx ="int16_t[1]", [0]) if x is not None: self._ctx[0] = x @staticmethod def c_array(n:int = None) -> CArray[int]: return CArray("int16_t", n) class int32_t(CHeapAllocated[T]): """One or more heap allocated primitive `int32_t` values.""" def __init__(self, x: int = None): self._ctx ="int32_t[1]", [0]) if x is not None: self._ctx[0] = x @staticmethod def c_array(n:int = None) -> CArray[int]: return CArray("int32_t", n) class int64_t(CHeapAllocated[T]): """One or more heap allocated primitive `int64_t` values.""" def __init__(self, x: int = None): self._ctx ="int64_t[1]", [0]) if x is not None: self._ctx[0] = x @staticmethod def c_array(n:int = None) -> CArray[int]: return CArray("int64_t", n) class uint8_t(CHeapAllocated[T]): """One or more heap allocated primitive `uint8_t` values.""" def __init__(self, x: int = None): self._ctx ="uint8_t[1]", [0]) if x is not None: self._ctx[0] = x @staticmethod def c_array(n:int = None) -> CArray[int]: return CArray("uint8_t", n) class uint16_t(CHeapAllocated[T]): """One or more heap allocated primitive `uint16_t` values.""" def __init__(self, x: int = None): self._ctx ="uint16_t[1]", [0]) if x is not None: self._ctx[0] = x @staticmethod def c_array(n:int = None) -> CArray[int]: return CArray("uint16_t", n) class uint32_t(CHeapAllocated[T]): """One or more heap allocated primitive `uint32_t` values.""" def __init__(self, x: int = None): self._ctx ="uint32_t[1]", [0]) if x is not None: self._ctx[0] = x @staticmethod def c_array(n:int = None) -> CArray[int]: return CArray("uint32_t", n) class uint64_t(CHeapAllocated[T]): """One or more heap allocated primitive `uint64_t` values.""" def __init__(self, x: int = None): self._ctx ="uint64_t[1]", [0]) if x is not None: self._ctx[0] = x @staticmethod def c_array(n:int = None) -> CArray[int]: return CArray("uint64_t", n) class CArray(CHeapAllocated, Generic[T]): """Holds a native C array with a given length.""" def __init__(self, type, n): self._ctx ="{type}[{n}]") self._c_array = True self._len = n def __getitem__(self, key) -> T: return self._ctx[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value: T): self._ctx[key] = value def __len__(self): return self._len class CSlice(CHeapAllocated, Generic[T]): """Holds a native C array with a given length.""" def __init__(self, c_slice): self._ctx = c_slice self._c_slice = True self._len = c_slice.len def __getitem__(self, key) -> T: return[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value: T):[key] = value def __len__(self): return self._ctx.len def ascii_string(x: bytes): """Must be called with a b"my_string".""" return"char[]", x) class EnumDocumented: """ Documented enum.""" A = 0 B = 1 C = 2 class EnumRenamed: """""" X = 0 class Array(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, data = None): self._ctx ="cffi_array[]", 1) if data is not None: = data @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[Array]: return CArray("cffi_array", n) @property def data(self): """""" return self._ctx[0].data @data.setter def data(self, value): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].data = value class ExtraTypef32(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, x: float = None): self._ctx ="cffi_extratypef32[]", 1) if x is not None: self.x = x @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[ExtraTypef32]: return CArray("cffi_extratypef32", n) @property def x(self) -> float: """""" return self._ctx[0].x @x.setter def x(self, value: float): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].x = value class Genericu32(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, x = None): self._ctx ="cffi_genericu32[]", 1) if x is not None: self.x = x @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[Genericu32]: return CArray("cffi_genericu32", n) @property def x(self): """""" return self._ctx[0].x @x.setter def x(self, value): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].x = value class Genericu8(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, x = None): self._ctx ="cffi_genericu8[]", 1) if x is not None: self.x = x @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[Genericu8]: return CArray("cffi_genericu8", n) @property def x(self): """""" return self._ctx[0].x @x.setter def x(self, value): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].x = value class Inner(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, x: float = None): self._ctx ="cffi_inner[]", 1) if x is not None: self.x = x @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[Inner]: return CArray("cffi_inner", n) @property def x(self) -> float: """""" return self._ctx[0].x @x.setter def x(self, value: float): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].x = value class Phantomu8(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, x: int = None): self._ctx ="cffi_phantomu8[]", 1) if x is not None: self.x = x @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[Phantomu8]: return CArray("cffi_phantomu8", n) @property def x(self) -> int: """""" return self._ctx[0].x @x.setter def x(self, value: int): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].x = value class SomeForeignType(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, x: int = None): self._ctx ="cffi_someforeigntype[]", 1) if x is not None: self.x = x @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[SomeForeignType]: return CArray("cffi_someforeigntype", n) @property def x(self) -> int: """""" return self._ctx[0].x @x.setter def x(self, value: int): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].x = value class StructDocumented(CHeapAllocated): """ Documented struct.""" def __init__(self, x: float = None): self._ctx ="cffi_structdocumented[]", 1) if x is not None: self.x = x @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[StructDocumented]: return CArray("cffi_structdocumented", n) @property def x(self) -> float: """ Documented field.""" return self._ctx[0].x @x.setter def x(self, value: float): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].x = value class StructRenamed(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, e: EnumRenamed = None): self._ctx ="cffi_structrenamed[]", 1) if e is not None: self.e = e @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[StructRenamed]: return CArray("cffi_structrenamed", n) @property def e(self) -> EnumRenamed: """""" return self._ctx[0].e @e.setter def e(self, value: EnumRenamed): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].e = value class Tupled(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, x0: int = None): self._ctx ="cffi_tupled[]", 1) if x0 is not None: self.x0 = x0 @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[Tupled]: return CArray("cffi_tupled", n) @property def x0(self) -> int: """""" return self._ctx[0].x0 @x0.setter def x0(self, value: int): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].x0 = value class UseAsciiStringPattern(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, ascii_string = None): self._ctx ="cffi_useasciistringpattern[]", 1) if ascii_string is not None: self.ascii_string = ascii_string @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[UseAsciiStringPattern]: return CArray("cffi_useasciistringpattern", n) @property def ascii_string(self): """""" return self._ctx[0].ascii_string @ascii_string.setter def ascii_string(self, value): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].ascii_string = value class Vec(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, x: float = None, z: float = None): self._ctx ="cffi_vec[]", 1) if x is not None: self.x = x if z is not None: self.z = z @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[Vec]: return CArray("cffi_vec", n) @property def x(self) -> float: """""" return self._ctx[0].x @x.setter def x(self, value: float): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].x = value @property def z(self) -> float: """""" return self._ctx[0].z @z.setter def z(self, value: float): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].z = value class Vec1(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, x: float = None, y: float = None): self._ctx ="cffi_vec1[]", 1) if x is not None: self.x = x if y is not None: self.y = y @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[Vec1]: return CArray("cffi_vec1", n) @property def x(self) -> float: """""" return self._ctx[0].x @x.setter def x(self, value: float): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].x = value @property def y(self) -> float: """""" return self._ctx[0].y @y.setter def y(self, value: float): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].y = value class Vec2(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, x: float = None, z: float = None): self._ctx ="cffi_vec2[]", 1) if x is not None: self.x = x if z is not None: self.z = z @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[Vec2]: return CArray("cffi_vec2", n) @property def x(self) -> float: """""" return self._ctx[0].x @x.setter def x(self, value: float): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].x = value @property def z(self) -> float: """""" return self._ctx[0].z @z.setter def z(self, value: float): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].z = value class Vec3f32(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None): self._ctx ="cffi_vec3f32[]", 1) if x is not None: self.x = x if y is not None: self.y = y if z is not None: self.z = z @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[Vec3f32]: return CArray("cffi_vec3f32", n) @property def x(self) -> float: """""" return self._ctx[0].x @x.setter def x(self, value: float): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].x = value @property def y(self) -> float: """""" return self._ctx[0].y @y.setter def y(self, value: float): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].y = value @property def z(self) -> float: """""" return self._ctx[0].z @z.setter def z(self, value: float): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].z = value class Visibility1(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, pblc: int = None, prvt: int = None): self._ctx ="cffi_visibility1[]", 1) if pblc is not None: self.pblc = pblc if prvt is not None: self.prvt = prvt @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[Visibility1]: return CArray("cffi_visibility1", n) @property def pblc(self) -> int: """""" return self._ctx[0].pblc @pblc.setter def pblc(self, value: int): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].pblc = value @property def prvt(self) -> int: """""" return self._ctx[0].prvt @prvt.setter def prvt(self, value: int): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].prvt = value class Visibility2(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, pblc1: int = None, pblc2: int = None): self._ctx ="cffi_visibility2[]", 1) if pblc1 is not None: self.pblc1 = pblc1 if pblc2 is not None: self.pblc2 = pblc2 @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[Visibility2]: return CArray("cffi_visibility2", n) @property def pblc1(self) -> int: """""" return self._ctx[0].pblc1 @pblc1.setter def pblc1(self, value: int): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].pblc1 = value @property def pblc2(self) -> int: """""" return self._ctx[0].pblc2 @pblc2.setter def pblc2(self, value: int): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].pblc2 = value class Weird1u32(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, x: int = None): self._ctx ="cffi_weird1u32[]", 1) if x is not None: self.x = x @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[Weird1u32]: return CArray("cffi_weird1u32", n) @property def x(self) -> int: """""" return self._ctx[0].x @x.setter def x(self, value: int): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].x = value class Weird2u8(CHeapAllocated): """""" def __init__(self, t: int = None, a = None, r = None): self._ctx ="cffi_weird2u8[]", 1) if t is not None: self.t = t if a is not None: self.a = a if r is not None: self.r = r @staticmethod def c_array(n: int) -> CArray[Weird2u8]: return CArray("cffi_weird2u8", n) @property def t(self) -> int: """""" return self._ctx[0].t @t.setter def t(self, value: int): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].t = value @property def a(self): """""" return self._ctx[0].a @a.setter def a(self, value): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].a = value @property def r(self): """""" return self._ctx[0].r @r.setter def r(self, value): if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): if hasattr(value, "_c_array"): value = value.c_ptr() else: value = value.c_value() self._ctx[0].r = value class FFIError: """""" Ok = 0 Null = 100 Panic = 200 Fail = 300 class callbacks: """Helpers to define `@ffi.callback`-style callbacks.""" fn_u8_rval_u8 = "uint8_t(uint8_t)" fn_Sliceu8_rval_u8 = "uint8_t(cffi_sliceu8)" fn_SliceVec3f32_rval_Vec3f32 = "cffi_vec3f32(cffi_slicevec3f32)" fn_SliceMutu8 = "void(cffi_slicemutu8)" fn_u8_rval_u8 = "uint8_t(uint8_t)" fn_u32_rval_u32 = "uint32_t(uint32_t)" fn_pconst = "void(void*)" class api: """Raw access to all exported functions.""" @staticmethod def primitive_void(): """""" return _api.primitive_void() @staticmethod def primitive_void2(): """""" return _api.primitive_void2() @staticmethod def primitive_bool(x: bool) -> bool: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.primitive_bool(x) @staticmethod def primitive_u8(x: int) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.primitive_u8(x) @staticmethod def primitive_u16(x: int) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.primitive_u16(x) @staticmethod def primitive_u32(x: int) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.primitive_u32(x) @staticmethod def primitive_u64(x: int) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.primitive_u64(x) @staticmethod def primitive_i8(x: int) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.primitive_i8(x) @staticmethod def primitive_i16(x: int) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.primitive_i16(x) @staticmethod def primitive_i32(x: int) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.primitive_i32(x) @staticmethod def primitive_i64(x: int) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.primitive_i64(x) @staticmethod def many_args_5(x0: int, x1: int, x2: int, x3: int, x4: int) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x0, "_ctx"): x0 = x0.c_value() if hasattr(x1, "_ctx"): x1 = x1.c_value() if hasattr(x2, "_ctx"): x2 = x2.c_value() if hasattr(x3, "_ctx"): x3 = x3.c_value() if hasattr(x4, "_ctx"): x4 = x4.c_value() return _api.many_args_5(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) @staticmethod def many_args_10(x0: int, x1: int, x2: int, x3: int, x4: int, x5: int, x6: int, x7: int, x8: int, x9: int) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x0, "_ctx"): x0 = x0.c_value() if hasattr(x1, "_ctx"): x1 = x1.c_value() if hasattr(x2, "_ctx"): x2 = x2.c_value() if hasattr(x3, "_ctx"): x3 = x3.c_value() if hasattr(x4, "_ctx"): x4 = x4.c_value() if hasattr(x5, "_ctx"): x5 = x5.c_value() if hasattr(x6, "_ctx"): x6 = x6.c_value() if hasattr(x7, "_ctx"): x7 = x7.c_value() if hasattr(x8, "_ctx"): x8 = x8.c_value() if hasattr(x9, "_ctx"): x9 = x9.c_value() return _api.many_args_10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9) @staticmethod def ptr(x): """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_ptr() return _api.ptr(x) @staticmethod def ptr_mut(x): """ # Safety Parameter x must point to valid data.""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_ptr() return _api.ptr_mut(x) @staticmethod def ptr_ptr(x): """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_ptr() return _api.ptr_ptr(x) @staticmethod def ref_simple(x): """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_ptr() return _api.ref_simple(x) @staticmethod def ref_mut_simple(x): """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_ptr() return _api.ref_mut_simple(x) @staticmethod def ref_option(x) -> bool: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_ptr() return _api.ref_option(x) @staticmethod def ref_mut_option(x) -> bool: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_ptr() return _api.ref_mut_option(x) @staticmethod def tupled(x: Tupled) -> Tupled: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.tupled(x) @staticmethod def complex_args_1(a: Vec3f32, b): """""" if hasattr(a, "_ctx"): a = a.c_value() if hasattr(b, "_ctx"): b = b.c_ptr() _rval = _api.complex_args_1(a, b) if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") @staticmethod def complex_args_2(cmplx: SomeForeignType): """""" if hasattr(cmplx, "_ctx"): cmplx = cmplx.c_value() return _api.complex_args_2(cmplx) @staticmethod def callback(callback, value: int) -> int: """""" _callback = callback @ffi.callback(callbacks.fn_u8_rval_u8) def _callback_callback(x0): return _callback(x0) callback = _callback_callback if hasattr(value, "_ctx"): value = value.c_value() return _api.callback(callback, value) @staticmethod def generic_1a(x: Genericu32, y: Phantomu8) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() if hasattr(y, "_ctx"): y = y.c_value() return _api.generic_1a(x, y) @staticmethod def generic_1b(x: Genericu8, y: Phantomu8) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() if hasattr(y, "_ctx"): y = y.c_value() return _api.generic_1b(x, y) @staticmethod def generic_1c(x, y) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_ptr() if hasattr(y, "_ctx"): y = y.c_ptr() return _api.generic_1c(x, y) @staticmethod def generic_2(x) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_ptr() return _api.generic_2(x) @staticmethod def generic_3(x) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_ptr() return _api.generic_3(x) @staticmethod def generic_4(x) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_ptr() return _api.generic_4(x) @staticmethod def array_1(x: Array) -> int: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.array_1(x) @staticmethod def documented(x: StructDocumented) -> EnumDocumented: """ This function has documentation.""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.documented(x) @staticmethod def ambiguous_1(x: Vec1) -> Vec1: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.ambiguous_1(x) @staticmethod def ambiguous_2(x: Vec2) -> Vec2: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.ambiguous_2(x) @staticmethod def ambiguous_3(x: Vec1, y: Vec2) -> bool: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() if hasattr(y, "_ctx"): y = y.c_value() return _api.ambiguous_3(x, y) @staticmethod def namespaced_type(x: Vec) -> Vec: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.namespaced_type(x) @staticmethod def panics(): """""" _rval = _api.panics() if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") @staticmethod def renamed(x: StructRenamed) -> EnumRenamed: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.renamed(x) @staticmethod def sleep(millis: int): """""" if hasattr(millis, "_ctx"): millis = millis.c_value() return _api.sleep(millis) @staticmethod def weird_1(x: Weird1u32, y: Weird2u8) -> bool: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() if hasattr(y, "_ctx"): y = y.c_value() return _api.weird_1(x, y) @staticmethod def visibility(x: Visibility1, y: Visibility2): """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() if hasattr(y, "_ctx"): y = y.c_value() return _api.visibility(x, y) @staticmethod def repr_transparent(x: Tupled, r) -> Tupled: """""" if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() if hasattr(r, "_ctx"): r = r.c_ptr() return _api.repr_transparent(x, r) @staticmethod def pattern_ascii_pointer_1(x) -> int: """""" if isinstance(x, bytes): x = ascii_string(x) return _api.pattern_ascii_pointer_1(x) @staticmethod def pattern_ascii_pointer_2(): """""" return _api.pattern_ascii_pointer_2() @staticmethod def pattern_ascii_pointer_len(x, y: UseAsciiStringPattern) -> int: """""" if isinstance(x, bytes): x = ascii_string(x) if hasattr(y, "_ctx"): y = y.c_value() return _api.pattern_ascii_pointer_len(x, y) @staticmethod def pattern_ascii_pointer_return_slice(): """""" return _api.pattern_ascii_pointer_return_slice() @staticmethod def pattern_ffi_slice_1(ffi_slice) -> int: """""" _ffi_slice ="cffi_sliceu32[]", 1) _ffi_slice[0].data = ffi_slice.c_ptr() _ffi_slice[0].len = len(ffi_slice) ffi_slice = _ffi_slice[0] return _api.pattern_ffi_slice_1(ffi_slice) @staticmethod def pattern_ffi_slice_2(ffi_slice, i: int) -> Vec3f32: """""" _ffi_slice ="cffi_slicevec3f32[]", 1) _ffi_slice[0].data = ffi_slice.c_ptr() _ffi_slice[0].len = len(ffi_slice) ffi_slice = _ffi_slice[0] if hasattr(i, "_ctx"): i = i.c_value() return _api.pattern_ffi_slice_2(ffi_slice, i) @staticmethod def pattern_ffi_slice_3(slice, callback): """""" _slice ="cffi_slicemutu8[]", 1) _slice[0].data = slice.c_ptr() _slice[0].len = len(slice) slice = _slice[0] _callback = callback @ffi.callback(callbacks.fn_SliceMutu8) def _callback_callback(slice): slice = CSlice(slice) return _callback(slice) callback = _callback_callback return _api.pattern_ffi_slice_3(slice, callback) @staticmethod def pattern_ffi_slice_4(slice, slice2): """""" _slice ="cffi_sliceu8[]", 1) _slice[0].data = slice.c_ptr() _slice[0].len = len(slice) slice = _slice[0] _slice2 ="cffi_slicemutu8[]", 1) _slice2[0].data = slice2.c_ptr() _slice2[0].len = len(slice2) slice2 = _slice2[0] return _api.pattern_ffi_slice_4(slice, slice2) @staticmethod def pattern_ffi_slice_5(slice, slice2): """""" if hasattr(slice, "_ctx"): slice = slice.c_ptr() if hasattr(slice2, "_ctx"): slice2 = slice2.c_ptr() return _api.pattern_ffi_slice_5(slice, slice2) @staticmethod def pattern_ffi_slice_6(slice, callback): """""" if hasattr(slice, "_ctx"): slice = slice.c_ptr() _callback = callback @ffi.callback(callbacks.fn_u8_rval_u8) def _callback_callback(x): return _callback(x) callback = _callback_callback return _api.pattern_ffi_slice_6(slice, callback) @staticmethod def pattern_ffi_slice_delegate(callback) -> int: """""" _callback = callback @ffi.callback(callbacks.fn_Sliceu8_rval_u8) def _callback_callback(slice): slice = CSlice(slice) return _callback(slice) callback = _callback_callback return _api.pattern_ffi_slice_delegate(callback) @staticmethod def pattern_ffi_slice_delegate_huge(callback) -> Vec3f32: """""" _callback = callback @ffi.callback(callbacks.fn_SliceVec3f32_rval_Vec3f32) def _callback_callback(slice): slice = CSlice(slice) return _callback(slice) callback = _callback_callback return _api.pattern_ffi_slice_delegate_huge(callback) @staticmethod def pattern_ffi_option_1(ffi_slice): """""" if hasattr(ffi_slice, "_ctx"): ffi_slice = ffi_slice.c_value() return _api.pattern_ffi_option_1(ffi_slice) @staticmethod def pattern_ffi_option_2(ffi_slice) -> Inner: """""" if hasattr(ffi_slice, "_ctx"): ffi_slice = ffi_slice.c_value() return _api.pattern_ffi_option_2(ffi_slice) @staticmethod def pattern_ffi_bool(ffi_bool): """""" if hasattr(ffi_bool, "_ctx"): ffi_bool = ffi_bool.c_value() return _api.pattern_ffi_bool(ffi_bool) @staticmethod def pattern_api_guard(): """""" return _api.pattern_api_guard() @staticmethod def pattern_callback_1(callback, x: int) -> int: """""" _callback = callback @ffi.callback(callbacks.fn_u32_rval_u32) def _callback_callback(x): return _callback(x) callback = _callback_callback if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.pattern_callback_1(callback, x) @staticmethod def pattern_callback_2(callback): """""" _callback = callback @ffi.callback(callbacks.fn_pconst) def _callback_callback(ptr): return _callback(ptr) callback = _callback_callback return _api.pattern_callback_2(callback) @staticmethod def simple_service_destroy(context): """ Destroys the given instance. # Safety The passed parameter MUST have been created with the corresponding init function; passing any other value results in undefined behavior.""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() _rval = _api.simple_service_destroy(context) if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") @staticmethod def simple_service_new_with(context, some_value: int): """ The constructor must return a `Result`.""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() if hasattr(some_value, "_ctx"): some_value = some_value.c_value() _rval = _api.simple_service_new_with(context, some_value) if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") @staticmethod def simple_service_new_without(context): """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() _rval = _api.simple_service_new_without(context) if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") @staticmethod def simple_service_new_with_string(context, ascii): """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() if isinstance(ascii, bytes): ascii = ascii_string(ascii) _rval = _api.simple_service_new_with_string(context, ascii) if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") @staticmethod def simple_service_new_failing(context, some_value: int): """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() if hasattr(some_value, "_ctx"): some_value = some_value.c_value() _rval = _api.simple_service_new_failing(context, some_value) if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") @staticmethod def simple_service_method_result(context, anon1: int): """ Methods returning a Result<(), _> are the default and do not need annotations.""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() if hasattr(anon1, "_ctx"): anon1 = anon1.c_value() _rval = _api.simple_service_method_result(context, anon1) if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") @staticmethod def simple_service_method_value(context, x: int) -> int: """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_value() return _api.simple_service_method_value(context, x) @staticmethod def simple_service_method_void(context): """ This method should be documented. Multiple lines.""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() return _api.simple_service_method_void(context) @staticmethod def simple_service_method_mut_self(context, slice) -> int: """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() _slice ="cffi_sliceu8[]", 1) _slice[0].data = slice.c_ptr() _slice[0].len = len(slice) slice = _slice[0] return _api.simple_service_method_mut_self(context, slice) @staticmethod def simple_service_method_mut_self_void(context, slice): """ Single line.""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() _slice ="cffi_slicebool[]", 1) _slice[0].data = slice.c_ptr() _slice[0].len = len(slice) slice = _slice[0] return _api.simple_service_method_mut_self_void(context, slice) @staticmethod def simple_service_method_mut_self_ref(context, x, y) -> int: """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_ptr() if hasattr(y, "_ctx"): y = y.c_ptr() return _api.simple_service_method_mut_self_ref(context, x, y) @staticmethod def simple_service_method_mut_self_ref_slice(context, x, y, slice) -> int: """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_ptr() if hasattr(y, "_ctx"): y = y.c_ptr() _slice ="cffi_sliceu8[]", 1) _slice[0].data = slice.c_ptr() _slice[0].len = len(slice) slice = _slice[0] return _api.simple_service_method_mut_self_ref_slice(context, x, y, slice) @staticmethod def simple_service_method_mut_self_ref_slice_limited(context, x, y, slice, slice2) -> int: """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() if hasattr(x, "_ctx"): x = x.c_ptr() if hasattr(y, "_ctx"): y = y.c_ptr() _slice ="cffi_sliceu8[]", 1) _slice[0].data = slice.c_ptr() _slice[0].len = len(slice) slice = _slice[0] _slice2 ="cffi_sliceu8[]", 1) _slice2[0].data = slice2.c_ptr() _slice2[0].len = len(slice2) slice2 = _slice2[0] return _api.simple_service_method_mut_self_ref_slice_limited(context, x, y, slice, slice2) @staticmethod def simple_service_method_mut_self_ffi_error(context, slice): """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() _slice ="cffi_slicemutu8[]", 1) _slice[0].data = slice.c_ptr() _slice[0].len = len(slice) slice = _slice[0] _rval = _api.simple_service_method_mut_self_ffi_error(context, slice) if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") @staticmethod def simple_service_method_mut_self_no_error(context, slice): """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() _slice ="cffi_slicemutu8[]", 1) _slice[0].data = slice.c_ptr() _slice[0].len = len(slice) slice = _slice[0] _rval = _api.simple_service_method_mut_self_no_error(context, slice) if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") @staticmethod def simple_service_return_slice(context): """ Warning, you _must_ discard the returned slice object before calling into this service again, as otherwise undefined behavior might happen.""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() return _api.simple_service_return_slice(context) @staticmethod def simple_service_return_slice_mut(context): """ Warning, you _must_ discard the returned slice object before calling into this service again, as otherwise undefined behavior might happen.""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() return _api.simple_service_return_slice_mut(context) @staticmethod def simple_service_return_string(context): """ This function has no panic safeguards. If it panics your host app will be in an undefined state.""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() return _api.simple_service_return_string(context) @staticmethod def simple_service_method_void_ffi_error(context): """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() _rval = _api.simple_service_method_void_ffi_error(context) if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") @staticmethod def simple_service_method_callback(context, callback): """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() _callback = callback @ffi.callback(callbacks.fn_u32_rval_u32) def _callback_callback(x): return _callback(x) callback = _callback_callback _rval = _api.simple_service_method_callback(context, callback) if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") @staticmethod def simple_service_lt_destroy(context): """ Destroys the given instance. # Safety The passed parameter MUST have been created with the corresponding init function; passing any other value results in undefined behavior.""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() _rval = _api.simple_service_lt_destroy(context) if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") @staticmethod def simple_service_lt_new_with(context, some_value): """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() if hasattr(some_value, "_ctx"): some_value = some_value.c_ptr() _rval = _api.simple_service_lt_new_with(context, some_value) if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") @staticmethod def simple_service_lt_method_lt(context, slice): """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() _slice ="cffi_slicebool[]", 1) _slice[0].data = slice.c_ptr() _slice[0].len = len(slice) slice = _slice[0] return _api.simple_service_lt_method_lt(context, slice) @staticmethod def simple_service_lt_method_lt2(context, slice): """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() _slice ="cffi_slicebool[]", 1) _slice[0].data = slice.c_ptr() _slice[0].len = len(slice) slice = _slice[0] return _api.simple_service_lt_method_lt2(context, slice) @staticmethod def simple_service_lt_return_string_accept_slice(anon0, anon1): """""" if hasattr(anon0, "_ctx"): anon0 = anon0.c_ptr() _anon1 ="cffi_sliceu8[]", 1) _anon1[0].data = anon1.c_ptr() _anon1[0].len = len(anon1) anon1 = _anon1[0] return _api.simple_service_lt_return_string_accept_slice(anon0, anon1) @staticmethod def simple_service_lt_method_void_ffi_error(context): """""" if hasattr(context, "_ctx"): context = context.c_ptr() _rval = _api.simple_service_lt_method_void_ffi_error(context) if _rval == FFIError.Ok: return _rval else: raise Exception(f"Function returned error {_rval}") class SimpleService(CHeapAllocated): __api_lock = object() def __init__(self, api_lock, ctx): assert(api_lock == SimpleService.__api_lock), "You must create this with a static constructor." self._ctx = ctx @staticmethod def new_with(some_value: int) -> SimpleService: """ The constructor must return a `Result`.""" if hasattr(some_value, "_ctx"): some_value = some_value.c_ptr() ctx ="cffi_simpleservice**") api.simple_service_new_with(ctx, some_value) self = SimpleService(SimpleService.__api_lock, ctx) return self @staticmethod def new_without() -> SimpleService: """""" ctx ="cffi_simpleservice**") api.simple_service_new_without(ctx, ) self = SimpleService(SimpleService.__api_lock, ctx) return self @staticmethod def new_with_string(ascii) -> SimpleService: """""" if hasattr(ascii, "_ctx"): ascii = ascii.c_ptr() ctx ="cffi_simpleservice**") api.simple_service_new_with_string(ctx, ascii) self = SimpleService(SimpleService.__api_lock, ctx) return self @staticmethod def new_failing(some_value: int) -> SimpleService: """""" if hasattr(some_value, "_ctx"): some_value = some_value.c_ptr() ctx ="cffi_simpleservice**") api.simple_service_new_failing(ctx, some_value) self = SimpleService(SimpleService.__api_lock, ctx) return self def __del__(self): api.simple_service_destroy(self.c_ptr(), ) def method_result(self, anon1: int): """ Methods returning a Result<(), _> are the default and do not need annotations.""" return api.simple_service_method_result(self.c_value(), anon1) def method_value(self, x: int) -> int: """""" return api.simple_service_method_value(self.c_value(), x) def method_void(self, ): """ This method should be documented. Multiple lines.""" return api.simple_service_method_void(self.c_value(), ) def method_mut_self(self, slice) -> int: """""" return api.simple_service_method_mut_self(self.c_value(), slice) def method_mut_self_void(self, slice): """ Single line.""" return api.simple_service_method_mut_self_void(self.c_value(), slice) def method_mut_self_ref(self, x, y) -> int: """""" return api.simple_service_method_mut_self_ref(self.c_value(), x, y) def method_mut_self_ref_slice(self, x, y, slice) -> int: """""" return api.simple_service_method_mut_self_ref_slice(self.c_value(), x, y, slice) def method_mut_self_ref_slice_limited(self, x, y, slice, slice2) -> int: """""" return api.simple_service_method_mut_self_ref_slice_limited(self.c_value(), x, y, slice, slice2) def method_mut_self_ffi_error(self, slice): """""" return api.simple_service_method_mut_self_ffi_error(self.c_value(), slice) def method_mut_self_no_error(self, slice): """""" return api.simple_service_method_mut_self_no_error(self.c_value(), slice) def return_slice(self, ): """ Warning, you _must_ discard the returned slice object before calling into this service again, as otherwise undefined behavior might happen.""" return api.simple_service_return_slice(self.c_value(), ) def return_slice_mut(self, ): """ Warning, you _must_ discard the returned slice object before calling into this service again, as otherwise undefined behavior might happen.""" return api.simple_service_return_slice_mut(self.c_value(), ) def return_string(self, ): """ This function has no panic safeguards. If it panics your host app will be in an undefined state.""" return api.simple_service_return_string(self.c_value(), ) def method_void_ffi_error(self, ): """""" return api.simple_service_method_void_ffi_error(self.c_value(), ) def method_callback(self, callback): """""" return api.simple_service_method_callback(self.c_value(), callback) class SimpleServiceLifetime(CHeapAllocated): __api_lock = object() def __init__(self, api_lock, ctx): assert(api_lock == SimpleServiceLifetime.__api_lock), "You must create this with a static constructor." self._ctx = ctx @staticmethod def new_with(some_value) -> SimpleServiceLifetime: """""" if hasattr(some_value, "_ctx"): some_value = some_value.c_ptr() ctx ="cffi_simpleservicelifetime**") api.simple_service_lt_new_with(ctx, some_value) self = SimpleServiceLifetime(SimpleServiceLifetime.__api_lock, ctx) return self def __del__(self): api.simple_service_lt_destroy(self.c_ptr(), ) def method_lt(self, slice): """""" return api.simple_service_lt_method_lt(self.c_value(), slice) def method_lt2(self, slice): """""" return api.simple_service_lt_method_lt2(self.c_value(), slice) def return_string_accept_slice(self, anon1): """""" return api.simple_service_lt_return_string_accept_slice(self.c_value(), anon1) def method_void_ffi_error(self, ): """""" return api.simple_service_lt_method_void_ffi_error(self.c_value(), )