pub struct Actor { str: String, } // writes to file when 'edit' is used // in conjuction with 'file' argument #[interthread::actor(file="examples/",edit(live(imp(concat))))] impl Actor { pub fn new() -> Self { Actor { str: String::new(), } } pub fn concat(&mut self, s: String) { self.str += &s; } pub fn get_value(&self) -> String { self.str.clone() } } //++++++++++++++++++[ Interthread Write to File ]+++++++++++++++++// // Object Name : Actor // Initiated By : #[interthread::actor(file="examples/",edit(live(imp(file(concat)))))] impl ActorLive { // pub fn concat(&mut self, s: String) { pub fn concat(&mut self, s: S) { let msg = ActorScript::Concat { s: s.to_string() }; let _ = self .sender .send(msg) .expect("'ActorLive::method.send'. Channel is closed!"); } } // *///.............[ Interthread End of Write ].................// fn main() { let act = ActorLive::new(); let mut one = act.clone(); let mut two = act.clone(); let mut thr = act.clone(); let one_h = std::thread::spawn( move || { one.concat("I can handle any".to_string()); }); let _ = one_h.join(); let two_h = std::thread::spawn( move || { two.concat(" 'ToString' - "); }); let _ = two_h.join(); let thr_h = std::thread::spawn( move || { thr.concat('😀'); }); let _ = thr_h.join(); assert_eq!( act.get_value(), "I can handle any 'ToString' - 😀".to_string() ); }