In etch paragraphs are marked by two or more new lines. For example, this is a new paragraph. [some, tags] You can also tag paragraphs and other block level elements by placing a tags section on the previous line. You can tag words by appending[a tag] a tags section following the word and you can tag multiple words by [wrapping them with square brackets][a tag] followed by a tags section. You can also mark multiple words with *emphasis* or **strong emphasis** by wrapping them with one or two asterisk characters. You can also *tag them*[a tag]. You can also mark inline quotes with "double quotation marks", but not single quotation characters as those are reserved for apostrophies. And don't forget, you can also "tag them"[a tag]. You can also mark inline preformatted words with `single`, ``double`` or ```triple``` backtick characters. This is useful in situations where you have a backtick in your code sample. Headings can be written by prefixing your test with one to six `#` characters: # This is my section ## This is my state. You can write bulleted lists with either a dash: - First item, - Second item! And list items can contain any other block level element, so long as it is indented to the same depth: - My list - Is quite - # Deep! It even contains paragraphs! Numbered lists can be written using an asterisk: * Now how am I supposed to breathe, * When there is no air? You can write figures using three or more equal signs as a prefix and suffix: === This is a figure, it can contain any block level elements. === Figures may also have captions: === This is a figure, --- And this is a caption. === Quotations are very similar to figures but using double quotation marks: """ This is a quotation, it can contain any block level elements, --- This is a citation. """ You can of course write preformatted sections using three or more backticks: ``` This is preformatted and will not be processed. ``` You and don't forget, you can mark any block level element with tags: [rs] ``` fn main() { ... } ``` Finally, you can define your tags using attributes, the following attributes define the `some` and `tags` tags as classes: #[some: .some] #[tags: .tags] You can also use tags to link to other documents or set element attributes: #[a tag: @href] Tags can be predefined by the etch processor. For example, this is used for implementing syntax highlighting with the `rs` tag. Attributes can also be used to specify metadata about a document: #meta[title: An introduction to writing with Etch] #meta[date: 2019/05/26] You can also import other documents into the current document: #import[footer.intxt] You can also import other files as preformatted text: [rs] #import[]