# intfic ![Rust](https://github.com/tjhaskel/rust_intfic/workflows/Rust/badge.svg) intfic is a framework that allows you to write a branching story with minimal code. It uses story files with a custom markup syntax that allows for the following: * Write text or specific quotes of text with different colors * Display options that trigger different Story Blocks or Story Files * Set flags or add to counters in the GameState * Check flags or counters in the GameState and conditionally display text or options Additionally, I've included some basic functions for asking yes-no questions and traveling in the cardinal directions, should you prefer to take a more "text adventure" approach with code. ![splash](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tjhaskel/rust_intfic/master/resources/option.png) ## Getting Started 1. Run the example with "cargo run" 2. Examine the example story files and read up on the [intfic Story File Markup Specification](https://docs.rs/intfic/0.3.8/intfic/parse_file/index.html#story-file-markup-specification) 3. Write you own story, and update main.rs to start it! ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details