# into-a-byte Build ORed byte from members of tuple of Into that acts as a bit switch. # Example Built byte is used to send to a I2C devise for example. ```rs use into_a_bit::*; enum FunctionA { Enabled = 1 << 3, Disabled = 0, } enum FunctionB { Enabled = 1 << 2, Disabled = 0, } enum FunctionC { Enabled = 1 << 1, Disabled = 0, } enum FunctionD { Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0, } enums_into_u8!(FunctionA, FunctionB, FunctionC, FunctionD); fn send_to_device(value: (FunctionA, FunctionB, FunctionC, FunctionD)) { // A byte for send to a register for example. let byte = value.into_a_byte(); // TODO } fn main() { send_to_device(( FunctionA::Enabled, FunctionB::Disabled, FunctionC::Enabled, FunctionD::Enabled, )); } ```