# invil [![Latest version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/invil.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/invil) ## A Rust implementation of amboso, a simple build tool wrapping make. ## Table of Contents + [What is this thing?](#witt) + [Supported amboso features](#supported_amboso) + [Extended amboso features](#extended_amboso) + [See how it behaves](#try_anvil) + [Basic benchmark](#base_bench) + [Todo](#todo) ## What is this thing? This is a Rust port of [amboso](https://github.com/jgabaut/amboso), a basic build tool wrapping make and supporting git tags. Invil can be used to: - Automate building a repo-curated list of git tagged versions (or also basic tagged versions with a full directory copy). - Ideally, the build command should be as short as `invil build`. - Run tests for a repo-curated directory with output comparison. - Generate new projects supporting the build tool using `invil init ` - Generate a basic header+impl containing project info, such as time of current commit It's (\*) on par with the original implementation, as of `amboso` `2.0.6`. Check the [next section](#supported_amboso) for more support info. Check [this section](#extended_amboso) for info about extensions to `amboso 2.0.4`. At the moment, only C projects are supported. - Check [this section](#extended_amboso) for info about the WIP `python` support. - The README still mostly refers only to the ambosoC kern usage. Different build modes are provided internally, depending on how full your autotool build support is: - Basic mode: a single `gcc` call. This may be expanded in a future version, to at least provide support for passing arguments to the compiler. - Make mode: for all tags higher than the version specified as providing make support, `invil` will expect a ready `Makefile` that correctly builds the target binary when `make` is called. - Automake mode: for all tags higher than the version specified as providing automake support, `invil` will expect a `Makefile.am` and a `configure.ac`, so that a `Makefile` with the same assumptions as Make mode can be generated. For more information on the `stego.lock` file, see the [amboso info](https://github.com/jgabaut/amboso#stego) about it. For more information on the `anvil` tool, see the [amboso wiki](https://github.com/jgabaut/amboso/wiki). Work in progress. ## Supported amboso features - Basic arguments parsing that complies with the bash implementation - Same default for amboso directory (`./bin`). - Parse `stego.lock` with compatible logic to bash implementation - Base mode: full support - The original implementation itself does not expect autotools prep for base mode, but it can be done trivially. - Git mode: full support - The original implementation itself expects git mode tags to contain a `Makefile` in repo root. - C header gen: complete support (\*) - The original implementation print time as a pre-formatted string. - Test mode: complete support (\*) - Run executable found in test directories - Handle test macro flag to run on all valid queries - Record test output with `-b` - Not compliant with amboso <1.9.7 expectations: missing trailing `$`. - Passing configure arguments: complete support - Not compliant with amboso <1.9.9 expectations: -C flag was passing the arguments directly, not by reading a file. - Subcommands: - build Quickly build latest version for current mode - init Prepare new project with amboso - version Print invil version - Note: - As of version `0.1.6`, by default `make rebuild` is called on build operation. This is the expected behaviour of `amboso` `2.x`. To revert to `1.x` original behaviour and call just `make`, run with `-R` or `--no-rebuild`. Flags support status: - [x] Basic env flags: `-D`, `-K`, `-M`, `-S`, `-E` - [ ] Clock flag: `-Y ` - [x] Linter mode: `-x` - [x] Lint only: `-l` - [x] Report lex: `-L` - [x] C header gen mode: `-G` (detailed info is empty) - [x] Verbose flag: `-V` - [x] Test macro: `-t` - [x] Test mode: `-T` - [x] Git mode: `-g` - [x] Base mode: `-B` - [x] Build: `-b` - [x] Run: `-r` - [x] Init: `-i` - [x] Delete: `-d` - [x] Purge: `-p` - [x] Help: `-h` - [ ] Big Help: `-H` - [x] Version: `-v` - [x] List tags for current mode: `-l` - [x] List tags for git/base mode: `-L` - [x] Quiet flag: `-q` - [x] Watch flag: `-w` - [x] Warranty flag: `-W` - [x] Ignore gitcheck flag: `-X` - [x] Silent: `-s` - [x] Pass config argument: `-C` - [ ] Run make pack: `-z` - [x] No rebuild: `-R` - [x] Logged run: `-J` - Outputs to `./anvil.log`. Not backwards compatible with repos not ignoring the file explicitly. - [x] No color: `-P` - [x] Force build: `-F` - [x] Turn off extensions: `-e` (Only relative to 2.0.0) - [x] Run make when no arguments are provided ## Extensions, relative to amboso 1.9.9 - [x] When in `make` build mode, call `make rebuild` by default - [x] `--no-rebuild` to disable make rebuild and run just `make` - [x] `--logged` to output full log to file - Outputs to `./anvil.log`. Not backwards compatible with repos not ignoring the file explicitly. - [x] `-G` flag also includes: - a string for build OS (from `env::consts::OS`) - HEAD commit message - [x] `--no-color` to disable color output - [x] `--force` to overwrite ready targets ## Extensions to amboso 2.0 - [x] Turn off extensions with `-e, --strict` - [x] Ignore missing repo in current work dir - [x] `-a` to set compatibility level - [x] `-k` to set project type - [x] `-O` to set stego.lock dir (defaults to working directory) ## Extended amboso features ## Experimental 2.1 version These features are experimental and subject to change. To enable them, add `--features="anvilPy"` to your build/install command. - [x] Use "anvilPy" kern to support python projects - Expects a suitable `pyproject.toml` is present alongside `stego.lock` - Experimental support for almost all flags - Only supported when provided from `stego.lock` itself - Example usage (make sure this is in your `stego.lock`): ```toml [ anvil ] version = "2.1.0" kern = "anvilPy" ``` - [x] Refuse the experimental kern when running with `--strict` - The original implementation is not ready to support this extension. ## See how it behaves To see how this marvelous work of art works, run: ```sh cd try-anvil ./try_anvil_auto ``` Refer to amboso info about this test script: [link](https://github.com/jgabaut/amboso#tryanvil) Our version was slightly modified to actually make cargo build the release version of the binary we want to symlink to `anvil`. ## Basic benchmark Check out [this page](https://github.com/jgabaut/invil/blob/master/bench/gitmode-0.2.3-bench.md) for a very basic benchmark of runtime, relative to bash `amboso` implementation. ## Todo - Extend original impl by handling autotools in base mode - Improve logging with a custom format - Improve horrendous git mode command chain - The current implementation is naive and just calls a bunch of `Command` to pipeline the git operations in a ugly iper-indented mess. - Resorting to shell commands is bad and defeats the purpose of this rewrite. - We have git2 crate to handle the git commands and should be able to reduce the amount of command wrapping.