# Ionize A global helper for cloning git repos into namespaced paths. Predictable, easy to use, and flexible. Clone repos via https (default) or ssh :computer: ## Examples HTTPS: ```bash $ ionize github.com selfup fut ---> Protocol is: https ---> Ionize is cloning: https://github.com/selfup/fut ---> Into: /Users/RJPB2/Documents/src/github.com/selfup/fut ---> fut has been fetched successfully! ``` SSH ```bash $ ionize github.com selfup fut ssh ---> Protocol is: ssh ---> Ionize is cloning: git@github.com:selfup/fut ---> Into: /Users/RJPB2/Documents/src/github.com/selfup/fut ---> fut has been fetched successfully! ``` ## Install Using Rust/Cargo: `cargo install ionize` ## Paths Ionize expects an ENV variable called `IONIZED_PATH` to be set. If it is not set: 1. On macOS/Linux: `$HOME/workspace` will be used. 1. On Windows: `%USERPROFILE&\workspace` will be used. I like to set mine to `export IONIZED_PATH=$HOME/Documents` For example you could set: `export IONIZED_PATH=$HOME/Repos` Now you can use `ionize` to install all repos in `$HOME/Repos/src/domain/author/repo` :tada: It doesn't have to be rust specific. It's a general helper :smile: ## Usage 0: ionize 1: domain 2: author 3: repo_name 4: ssh **https**: `ionize github.com selfup ionize` **ssh**: `ionize github.com selfup ionize ssh` The domain `github.com` can be: ```js 'gitlab.com' || 'bitbucket.org' || 'my.domain.net'; ```