Response of GET /api/v1/info. Returns general information about the node. ### name(): String The name of the node ### version(): String The node software version ### networkId(): String The network id the node is connected to ### bech32Hrp(): String The bech32 HRP which is accepted by this node ### messagesPerSecond(): double The messages per second this node is receiving ### referencedMessagesPerSecond(): double The referenced messages per second this node is receiving ### referencedRate(): double The reference rate ### latestMilestoneTimestamp(): long The timestamp of the latest received milestone ### minPowScore(): double The minimum required PoW for a message to be accepted ### latestMilestoneIndex(): long The index of the latest seen milestone ### confirmedMilestoneIndex(): long The index of the latest confirmed milestone ### pruningIndex(): long The milestone index this node is pruning from ### features(): String[] List of features running on this node