import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'; import get_balance from '!!raw-loader!../../../../../bindings/python/examples/'; There are three common API calls you can use to get a balance: ## [`Client.get_address_balance(address: str)`](./../libraries/python/api_reference#get_address_balanceaddress-balanceaddressresponse) Expects a single address in Bech32 format and returns `dict` with a balance for the address. ## [`Client.get_address_balances(addresses: list[str])`](./../libraries/python/api_reference#get_address_balancesaddresses-listaddressbalancepair): A convenient function that expects `list` of addresses in Bech32 format and returns list of `dict` with balances for all given addresses ## [`Client.get_balance(seed, account_index (optional), initial_address_index(optional), gap_limit(optional))`](./../libraries/python/api_reference#get_balanceseed-account_index-optional-initial_address_indexoptional-gap_limitoptional-int) A convenient function that combines `Client.get_addresses()` and `Client.get_address_balances()` api calls. It returns a combined balance for the provided `seed` and optional chaining calls `.accountIndex(index)`, `.initialAddressIndex(index)` and `.gapLimit(amount)` `Client.get_balance(seed)` performs several tasks under the hood. It starts by generating addresses for the provided `seed` and `account_index` from `initial_address_index`, and checks for a balance of each of the generated addresses. Since it does not know how many addresses are used in fact, there is a condition set by the `gap_limit` argument to know when to stop searching. If the `gap_limit` amount of addresses in a row have no balance, the function returns results and stops searching. {get_balance} Example of output: ```json { "address":"atoi1qp9427varyc05py79ajku89xarfgkj74tpel5egr9y7xu3wpfc4lkpx0l86", "balance":10000000, "dustAllowed":false } Account balance: 0 ``` * `dustAllowed` indicates whether the given address is allowed to accept a dust due to [dust protection mechanism](