# 🗓️ Team Identity kick-off #2 - 2020-07-28 ## 👥 Participants - @Thoralf-M - @nothingismagick - @vidalattias - @tensor-programming - @JelleMillenaar - @huhn511 ## 💬 Discussion topics - Clickup Introduction - CD / CI - Weekly Meeting - identity.ts ### Clickup Introduction https://app.clickup.com/2540598/v/l/f/11098974 ### CD / CI Get help from internal IF employee who help with CD/CI ### Weekly Meeting Weekly from 17:00 to 18:00 on Wednesday ### identity.ts [identity.ts](https://github.com/iotaledger/identity.ts) #### DIDDocument - 3 ways to read DIDDocument - from tangle (unmut var) - Stronghold (mut var) - create a new document - GetJSONDIDDocument -> good for interoperability - Agnostig encryption - allows third party encryption (ProofTypeManager) - (nice to have) #### DIDPublisher - JSON DIDDoc in the Tangle (GetJSONDIDDocument) - Based on MAM - Future Discussion for the Publisher - IOTA Streams - Custom Transactions **Improvement Ideas** - Split DID writer and reader - Statebadges (like git, just track changes of the DID Document - not the entire document) -> Stronghold uses a versioned database, could be solved with that. #### Verifiable Credentials - 2 ways to create a Credential - Create - read from json (DecodeFromJSON) - Schemas - Idea for future: Schema Catalog with update - SchemaManager - DoesObjectFollowSchema - using lib to check valid JSON schema - order is important for signature - alphabetical order #### Scoping Document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CukxmEiajjxZi15oN2HwrJv1r94YxP2TH-FaiMurd0I/edit Focus 1. DID 2. VC **DID Communications / Authentication** Research by @Thoralf-M