# 🗓️ Team Identity Meeting Notes - 2020-July-29 ## 👥 Participants - @Thoralf-M - @nothingismagick - @vidalattias - @JelleMillenaar ## 💬 Discussion topics - Cryptographic Accumulators: - Read up for next week (@vidalattias) - Possibly do a PoC with that - DID Comms: - What is going to be the communications layer? - Abstracted from the library - Base HTTP, MQTT implementations? - Possibly use IOTA Nodes as Peer-to-peer relay server? - Should Service Endpoints be encrypted to prevent spam? - They are ment to be public info - Possibily allow both encrypted and unencrypted - Identity.ts mentions not posting human identities, should we? - Yes, outdated stance, we do have to protect human privacy as much as possible.