// Copyright 2023 IOTA Stiftung // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 //! In this example we will get a block and its metadata. //! //! Rename `.env.example` to `.env` first, then run the command: //! ```sh //! cargo run --release --example get_block //! ``` use iota_sdk::client::{Client, Result}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { // This example uses secrets in environment variables for simplicity which should not be done in production. dotenvy::dotenv().ok(); for var in ["NODE_URL"] { std::env::var(var).expect(&format!(".env variable '{var}' is undefined, see .env.example")); } // Create a node client. let client = Client::builder() .with_node(&std::env::var("NODE_URL").unwrap())? .with_pow_worker_count(1) .finish() .await?; // Fetch a block ID from the node. let block_id = client.get_tips().await?[0]; // Get the block. let block = client.get_block(&block_id).await?; println!("{block:#?}"); // Get the block metadata. let block_metadata = client.get_block_metadata(&block_id).await?; println!("{block_metadata:#?}"); Ok(()) }