// Copyright 2022 IOTA Stiftung // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 //! Gets all basic output ids associated with an address by querying the //! `api/indexer/v1/outputs/basic` node endpoint. //! //! Make sure that the node has the indexer plugin enabled. //! Make sure to provide a somewhat recently used address to make this example run successfully! //! //! Rename `.env.example` to `.env` first, then run the command: //! ```sh //! cargo run --release --all-features --example get_outputs [ADDRESS] [NODE_URL] //! ``` use iota_sdk::{ client::{node_api::indexer::query_parameters::QueryParameter, Client, Result}, types::block::address::Bech32Address, }; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { // This example uses secrets in environment variables for simplicity which should not be done in production. dotenvy::dotenv().ok(); // Take the node URL from command line argument or use one from env as default. let node_url = std::env::args() .nth(2) .unwrap_or_else(|| std::env::var("NODE_URL").expect("NODE_URL not set")); // Create a node client. let client = Client::builder().with_node(&node_url)?.finish().await?; // Take the address from command line argument or use a default one. let address = Bech32Address::try_from_str( std::env::args() .nth(1) .as_deref() .unwrap_or("rms1qpllaj0pyveqfkwxmnngz2c488hfdtmfrj3wfkgxtk4gtyrax0jaxzt70zy"), )?; // Get output IDs of basic outputs that can be controlled by this address without further unlock constraints. let output_ids_response = client .basic_output_ids([ QueryParameter::Address(address), QueryParameter::HasExpiration(false), QueryParameter::HasTimelock(false), QueryParameter::HasStorageDepositReturn(false), ]) .await?; println!("First output of query:"); println!("ID: {:#?}", output_ids_response.first().expect("No outputs found")); // Get the outputs by their IDs. let outputs_response = client.get_outputs(&output_ids_response.items).await?; println!("{:#?}", outputs_response.first().unwrap()); Ok(()) }