use std::{ env, fs::{self, File}, io::Write, path::Path, }; const CLIENT_MOD: &str = r#" #[path = ""] pub mod client { #[path = ""] pub mod iotics { #[path = ""] pub mod api; } #[path = ""] pub mod google { #[path = ""] pub mod rpc; #[path = ""] pub mod protobuf; } } "#; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { // types that needs to get the serde attributes let types_to_derive = vec![ "Uri", "StringLiteral", "LangLiteral", "Literal", "Property", "Property.value", "GeoLocation", "GeoCircle", "Value", "TwinID", "FeedID", "InputID", "Feed", "Input", "UpsertFeedWithMeta", "UpsertInputWithMeta", "SearchRequest.Payload.Filter", "SearchResponse.TwinDetails", "SearchResponse.FeedDetails", "SearchResponse.InputDetails", ".google.protobuf.Timestamp", "protobuf.StringValue", ]; let derive_ser_der = "#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]#[serde(rename_all(serialize = \"camelCase\", deserialize = \"camelCase\"))]"; // setup the out folder let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").expect("Failed get OUT_DIR."); let client_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join("client"); let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&client_path); fs::create_dir(&client_path)?; // generate the client mod let mod_path = client_path.join(""); let mut mod_file = File::create(mod_path)?; mod_file.write_all(CLIENT_MOD.as_bytes())?; // configure the builder let mut builder = tonic_build::configure() .out_dir(&client_path) .build_server(false) .compile_well_known_types(true); for type_to_derive in types_to_derive { builder = builder.type_attribute(type_to_derive, derive_ser_der); } builder.compile( &[ "proto/google/rpc/status.proto", "api/proto/iotics/api/common.proto", "api/proto/iotics/api/feed.proto", "api/proto/iotics/api/host.proto", "api/proto/iotics/api/input.proto", "api/proto/iotics/api/interest.proto", "api/proto/iotics/api/meta.proto", "api/proto/iotics/api/search.proto", "api/proto/iotics/api/twin.proto", ], &["api/proto", "proto"], )?; Ok(()) }