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A simple but powerful wrapper for the [ip-api](https://ip-api.com/) API.
## Usage
In the example below we use tokio to convert our async main function into a sync one.
Tokio itself is not needed when using this crate.
use ip_api4rs::IpApiClient;
async fn main() {
let client = IpApiClient::new();
let response = client.query_api_default("").await.unwrap();
println!("{:#?}", response);
## Features
- fully async api (or blocking with the `blocking` feature)
- simple to use
- supply custom structs to only get want you want
- Api-Token support
- SSL support
## Features that won't be added
**This doesn't mean that we would not implement features listed here.**
We just won't implement them ourselves.
Feel free to open a pull request if you want to add more features.
- Batch requests
- non Json responses
- DNS Api support