use ip_spoofing::{self, RawSocket, ReusablePacketWriter}; /// This example shows how to generate fake UDP packet /// that delivers `b"hey"` bytes from "" to "". /// /// I.e. the attacker changes its IPv4 address to (Google Public DNS) fn main() -> ip_spoofing::Result<()> { //wrapper around raw sockets, requires root privileges let socket = RawSocket::new()?; //wrapper for writing packets in pre-allocated memory let mut writer = ReusablePacketWriter::new(); //sends fake UDP packet socket.send_fake_udp_packet( &mut writer, [8, 8, 8, 8], //source IPv4 address 1234, //source port [127, 0, 0, 1], //destination IPv4 address 5678, //destination port b"hey", //data 64, //TTL on most Linux machines is 64 )?; Ok(()) }