@test "can run our script" { ./target/release/ip2d -h } @test "convert the right number" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d [ "$OUTPUT" -eq 16843009 ] } @test "convert the right hex number" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d -x) [ "$OUTPUT" = "0x01010101" ] } @test "convert the right ip" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d -r 16843009) [ "$OUTPUT" = "" ] } @test "convert the right ipv6" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d -6 -r 16843009) [ "$OUTPUT" = "::101:101" ] } @test "convert the right number from v6" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d ::101:101) [ "$OUTPUT" = "16843009" ] } @test "convert the right hex number from v6 ::1" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d ::1 -x -6) [ "$OUTPUT" = "0x00000000000000000000000000000001" ] } @test "convert the right hex number from v6 ffff:34::1" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d ffff:34::1 -x -6) [ "$OUTPUT" = "0xffff0034000000000000000000000001" ] } @test "convert IPv6 with leading zero blocks" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 -6) [ "$OUTPUT" = "1" ] } @test "convert from IPv6 with trailing zero blocks" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d 2001:0db8:: -6) [ "$OUTPUT" = "42540766411282592856903984951653826560" ] } @test "convert IPv6 with mixed zero and non-zero blocks" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 -6) [ "$OUTPUT" = "42540766452641154071740215577757643572" ] } @test "convert IPv6 with full blocks of ffff" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff -6) [ "$OUTPUT" = "340282366920938463463374607431768211455" ] } @test "convert minimal IPv6 ::" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d :: -6) [ "$OUTPUT" = "0" ] } @test "convert IPv6 with a single block ::abcd" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d ::abcd -6) [ "$OUTPUT" = "43981" ] } @test "convert IPv6 with embedded IPv4 address to decimal" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d ::ffff: -6) [ "$OUTPUT" = "281473913979137" ] } @test "convert IPv6 with a single block ::abcd to hex" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d ::abcd -6 -x) [ "$OUTPUT" = "0x0000000000000000000000000000abcd" ] } @test "convert large IPv6 address to hex" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d 2001:0db8:1234:5678:abcd:ef01:2345:6789 -x -6) [ "$OUTPUT" = "0x20010db812345678abcdef0123456789" ] } @test "convert IPv6 with embedded IPv4 address" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d ::ffff: -x -6) [ "$OUTPUT" = "0x00000000000000000000ffffc0a80101" ] } @test "convert decimal to address IPv6" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d -6 -r 281473913979137) [ "$OUTPUT" = "::ffff:" ] } @test "convert another decimal to address IPv6" { OUTPUT=$(./target/release/ip2d -6 -r 191085225705473) [ "$OUTPUT" = "::adca:7f00:1" ] }