/** * Converts an IPv4 address string to a byte array * @param ip IPv4 address string (e.g., "") * @returns Uint8Array of 4 bytes * @throws Error if invalid IPv4 format */ function ipv4ToBytes(ip: string): Uint8Array { const parts = ip.split('.'); if (parts.length !== 4) { throw new Error('Invalid IPv4 address format'); } const bytes = new Uint8Array(4); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const num = parseInt(parts[i], 10); if (isNaN(num) || num < 0 || num > 255) { throw new Error(`Invalid IPv4 octet: ${parts[i]}`); } bytes[i] = num; } return bytes; } /** * Converts an IPv6 address string to a byte array * @param ip IPv6 address string (e.g., "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334") * @returns Uint8Array of 16 bytes * @throws Error if invalid IPv6 format */ function ipv6ToBytes(ip: string): Uint8Array { // Remove IPv6 zone index if present const zoneIndex = ip.indexOf('%'); if (zoneIndex !== -1) { ip = ip.substring(0, zoneIndex); } // Expand :: notation const doubleColonIndex = ip.indexOf('::'); if (doubleColonIndex !== -1) { const before = ip.substring(0, doubleColonIndex).split(':'); const after = ip.substring(doubleColonIndex + 2).split(':'); const missing = 8 - (before.length + after.length); const middle = Array(missing).fill('0'); ip = [...before, ...middle, ...after].join(':'); } const parts = ip.split(':'); if (parts.length !== 8) { throw new Error('Invalid IPv6 address format'); } const bytes = new Uint8Array(16); for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { const num = parseInt(parts[i], 16); if (isNaN(num) || num < 0 || num > 65535) { throw new Error(`Invalid IPv6 hextet: ${parts[i]}`); } bytes[i * 2] = (num >> 8) & 0xff; bytes[i * 2 + 1] = num & 0xff; } return bytes; } /** * Converts an IP address string to a byte array, automatically detecting IPv4 or IPv6 * @param ip IP address string * @returns Uint8Array of either 4 bytes (IPv4) or 16 bytes (IPv6) * @throws Error if invalid IP format */ function ipToBytes(ip: string): Uint8Array { return ip.includes(':') ? ipv6ToBytes(ip) : ipv4ToBytes(ip); } function isLeaf(index: number, filter: Uint32Array): boolean { return filter[index * 2] === 0 && filter[index * 2 + 1] === 0; } interface IpCheckOptions { includeCidr?: boolean; } interface IpCheckResult { matches: boolean; cidr: string; } function buildCidr(path: number[], isIpv6: boolean): string { // Convert path of bits to IP and prefix length const bytes = new Uint8Array(isIpv6 ? 16 : 4); const prefixLength = path.length; // Fill in the known bits from the path for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { const byteIndex = Math.floor(i / 8); const bitPosition = 7 - (i % 8); bytes[byteIndex] |= (path[i] << bitPosition); } // Convert bytes to IP string const parts = isIpv6 ? // IPv6: Convert each pair of bytes to hex Array.from({ length: 8 }, (_, i) => ((bytes[i * 2] << 8) | bytes[i * 2 + 1]).toString(16) ).join(':') : // IPv4: Convert each byte to decimal Array.from(bytes).join('.'); return `${parts}/${prefixLength}`; } export function ipCheck(ip: string, options?: { includeCidr: true }): IpCheckResult; export function ipCheck(ip: string, options?: { includeCidr: false }): boolean; export function ipCheck(ip: string, options: IpCheckOptions = { includeCidr: false }): boolean | IpCheckResult { const bytes = ipToBytes(ip); const IP_FILTER = bytes.length === 4 ? IP_FILTER_V4 : IP_FILTER_V6; const path: number[] | undefined = options.includeCidr ? [] : undefined; let nodeIndex = 0; for (let byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < bytes.length; byteIndex++) { const byte = bytes[byteIndex]; for (let bitIndex = 7; bitIndex >= 0; bitIndex--) { const bit = (byte >> bitIndex) & 1; if (isLeaf(nodeIndex, IP_FILTER)) { return options.includeCidr ? { matches: true, cidr: buildCidr(path as number[], bytes.length === 16) } : true; } path?.push(bit); const nextIndex = IP_FILTER[nodeIndex * 2 + bit]; if (nextIndex === 0) { return options.includeCidr ? { matches: false, cidr: null } : false; } nodeIndex = nextIndex; } } const matches = isLeaf(nodeIndex, IP_FILTER); return options.includeCidr ? { matches, cidr: matches ? buildCidr(path as number[], bytes.length === 16) : null } : matches; } const IP_FILTER_V4: Uint32Array = new Uint32Array({{ filterV4 }}); const IP_FILTER_V6: Uint32Array = new Uint32Array({{ filterV6 }});