version="0.3.2" [scripts] run.cmd = [ "cargo build --example module", "cargo run --example host -- target/debug/examples/module" ] run.subcommands.wasm = [ "cargo build --example module --target wasm32-wasi", "cargo run --example host -- target/wasm32-wasi/debug/examples/module.wasm true" ] run.subcommands.async.cmd = [ "cargo build --example async_module", "cargo run --example async_host -- target/debug/examples/async_module" ] run.subcommands.async.subcommands.wasm = [ "echo \"Sorry, but \\`tokio\\` doesn't support enough functionality to use IPFI's asynchronous API on Wasm just yet.\"", "exit 1" ] bench.cmd = [ "cd benches/harness", "cargo run -- %num_runs" ] bench.args = [ "num_runs" ] # Does 100k runs to make sure we get accurate results for publication ci-bench = [ "cd benches/harness", "cargo run -- 100000" ] release = [ # We allow specifying a custom version for pre-releases "standard-version --sign --commit-all %%", "git push --follow-tags origin main" ]