use ipfi::blocking::{Interface, ProcedureIndex, Wire}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; /// The interface we hold with the host. This will be initialized when the program starts. static INTERFACE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Interface::new()); // Non-Wasm, we have threads #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] fn main() { let wire = prepare(); // Since we're in a multi-threaded environment, we can spawn threads to do our reading and writing for us! let handle = wire.start(std::io::stdin(), std::io::stdout()); // We can also call a function on the host (all-in-one because it's definitely multithreaded), ("Thanks very much!".to_string(),)) .unwrap() .wait::<()>() .unwrap(); // Because we're a module, we should wait until the host closes our streams to know we're done. On the // host side, this is done with `wire.signal_termination()` or `ipfi::signal_termination()`. handle.wait(); } // Wasm, no threads #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] fn main() { let wire = prepare(); // But if we are on Wasm, we don't have threads, so we'll have to manually read all our input at // once (actually this reads until the host sends a special end-of-input message (different from EOF)) wire.fill(&mut std::io::stdin()).unwrap(); // We can also call a function on the host let _ = wire .call(ProcedureIndex::new(0), ("Thanks very much!".to_string(),)) .unwrap(); // Calling procedures involves first sending a call message, and then waiting for a response message, // but this function returns nothing, so we don't have to worry about that in this particular case wire.flush_end(&mut std::io::stdout()).unwrap(); } fn prepare() -> Wire<'static> { // These are the functions that will be available for the host to call INTERFACE.add_procedure(0, |(): ()| -> u32 { 42 }); INTERFACE.add_procedure(1, |(first_name,): (String,)| { // Stdout is captured by the host, so we use stderr here eprintln!("Got first name from host: {}!", first_name); }); INTERFACE.add_procedure(2, |(last_name,): (String,)| { eprintln!("Got last name from host: {}!", last_name); }); INTERFACE.add_sequence_procedure(3, |yielder, (): ()| { std::thread::spawn(move || { yielder("This is a test".to_string(), false).unwrap(); yielder("of the system".to_string(), false).unwrap(); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)); yielder("And this is a second test!".to_string(), true).unwrap(); }); }); // If we didn't need to call any procedures on the host, this could be `::new_module()` instead to // improve security Wire::new(&INTERFACE) }