# Introduction Welcome to the Iridium Documentation and usage guide. Firstly, lets start with some simple questions about Iridium. ## What is Iridium? Iridium is a Rust based Markdown static site generation utility. It's primary focus is to make creating easily hostable website simple using the powerful tools of Markdown, and Rust combined to make beautiful HTML websites that are easy to maintain. ## Why not just use X? Because I wanted to make my own static site generator, I did not want to use X. ## How do I install Iridium? Simply download the binary for your platform from our [releases](https://github.com/fatalcenturion/Iridium/releases/) page > Note, currently Iridium can only be installed on Linux devices. ## How do you use Iridium? You can learn the basics of using Iridum in our [quick start guide](quickstart.md) ## How do i view the output? You can open the files in any web browser, it is recommended to use either Firefox, or Google Chrome for viewing Iridium's files