use bytes::Bytes; use futures_lite::{Stream, StreamExt}; use futures_util::SinkExt; use iroh::client::Iroh; use iroh_gossip::{ net::{Command, Event, GossipEvent}, proto::TopicId, }; use iroh_net::{key::SecretKey, NodeAddr}; use testresult::TestResult; /// Spawn an iroh node in a separate thread and tokio runtime, and return /// the address and client. async fn spawn_node() -> (NodeAddr, Iroh) { let (sender, receiver) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel(); std::thread::spawn(move || { let runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread() .enable_all() .build()?; runtime.block_on(async move { let secret_key = SecretKey::generate(); let node = iroh::node::Builder::default() .secret_key(secret_key) .relay_mode(iroh_net::relay::RelayMode::Disabled) .node_discovery(iroh::node::DiscoveryConfig::None) .spawn() .await?; let addr =; sender.send((addr, node.client().clone())).unwrap(); node.cancel_token().cancelled().await; anyhow::Ok(()) })?; anyhow::Ok(()) }); receiver.await.unwrap() } /// Await `n` messages from a stream of gossip events. async fn await_messages( mut stream: impl Stream> + Unpin + Send + Sync + 'static, n: usize, ) -> TestResult> { let handle = tokio::spawn(async move { let mut res = Vec::new(); #[allow(clippy::single_match)] while let Some(msg) = { match msg.unwrap() { Event::Gossip(GossipEvent::Received(msg)) => { res.push(msg.content); if res.len() >= n { break; } } _ => {} } } res }); Ok(tokio::time::timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(60), handle).await??) } #[tokio::test] #[ignore = "flaky"] async fn gossip_smoke() -> TestResult { let _ = tracing_subscriber::fmt::try_init(); let (addr1, node1) = spawn_node().await; let (addr2, node2) = spawn_node().await; let gossip1 = node1.gossip(); let gossip2 = node2.gossip();;; let topic = TopicId::from([0u8; 32]); let (mut sink1, mut stream1) = gossip1.subscribe(topic, [addr2.node_id]).await?; let (_sink2, stream2) = gossip2.subscribe(topic, [addr1.node_id]).await?; assert_eq!(, Event::Gossip(GossipEvent::Joined(vec![addr2.node_id])) ); drop(stream1); sink1.send(Command::Broadcast("hello".into())).await?; let msgs = await_messages(stream2, 1).await?; assert_eq!(msgs, vec![Bytes::from("hello")]); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn gossip_drop_sink() -> TestResult { let _ = tracing_subscriber::fmt::try_init(); let (addr1, node1) = spawn_node().await; let (addr2, node2) = spawn_node().await; let gossip1 = node1.gossip(); let gossip2 = node2.gossip();;; let topic = TopicId::from([0u8; 32]); let (mut sink1, mut stream1) = gossip1.subscribe(topic, [addr2.node_id]).await?; let (sink2, stream2) = gossip2.subscribe(topic, [addr1.node_id]).await?; assert_eq!(, Event::Gossip(GossipEvent::Joined(vec![addr2.node_id])) ); drop(stream1); drop(sink2); sink1.send(Command::Broadcast("hello".into())).await?; let msgs = await_messages(stream2, 1).await?; assert_eq!(msgs, vec![Bytes::from("hello")]); Ok(()) }