use std::{ io::{Cursor, Write}, time::Duration, }; use anyhow::Result; use bao_tree::{blake3, io::sync::Outboard, ChunkRanges}; use bytes::Bytes; use iroh::node::{self, DocsStorage, Node}; use iroh_blobs::{ hashseq::HashSeq, store::{EntryStatus, MapMut, Store}, util::Tag, BlobFormat, HashAndFormat, IROH_BLOCK_SIZE, }; use rand::RngCore; pub fn create_test_data(size: usize) -> Bytes { let mut rand = rand::thread_rng(); let mut res = vec![0u8; size]; rand.fill_bytes(&mut res); res.into() } /// Take some data and encode it pub fn simulate_remote(data: &[u8]) -> (blake3::Hash, Cursor) { let outboard = bao_tree::io::outboard::PostOrderMemOutboard::create(data, IROH_BLOCK_SIZE); let mut encoded = Vec::new(); encoded .write_all(outboard.tree.size().to_le_bytes().as_ref()) .unwrap(); bao_tree::io::sync::encode_ranges_validated(data, &outboard, &ChunkRanges::all(), &mut encoded) .unwrap(); let hash = outboard.root(); (hash, Cursor::new(encoded.into())) } /// Wrap a bao store in a node that has gc enabled. async fn wrap_in_node( bao_store: S, gc_period: Duration, ) -> (Node, async_channel::Receiver<()>) where S: iroh_blobs::store::Store, { let (gc_send, gc_recv) = async_channel::unbounded(); let node = node::Builder::with_db_and_store( bao_store, DocsStorage::Memory, iroh::node::StorageConfig::Mem, ) .gc_policy(iroh::node::GcPolicy::Interval(gc_period)) .register_gc_done_cb(Box::new(move || { gc_send.send_blocking(()).ok(); })) .spawn() .await .unwrap(); (node, gc_recv) } async fn gc_test_node() -> ( Node, iroh_blobs::store::mem::Store, async_channel::Receiver<()>, ) { let bao_store = iroh_blobs::store::mem::Store::new(); let (node, gc_recv) = wrap_in_node(bao_store.clone(), Duration::from_millis(500)).await; (node, bao_store, gc_recv) } async fn step(evs: &async_channel::Receiver<()>) { // drain the event queue, we want a new GC while evs.try_recv().is_ok() {} // wait for several GC cycles for _ in 0..3 { evs.recv().await.unwrap(); } } /// Test the absolute basics of gc, temp tags and tags for blobs. #[tokio::test] async fn gc_basics() -> Result<()> { let _ = tracing_subscriber::fmt::try_init(); let (node, bao_store, evs) = gc_test_node().await; let data1 = create_test_data(1234); let tt1 = bao_store.import_bytes(data1, BlobFormat::Raw).await?; let data2 = create_test_data(5678); let tt2 = bao_store.import_bytes(data2, BlobFormat::Raw).await?; let h1 = *tt1.hash(); let h2 = *tt2.hash(); // temp tags are still there, so the entries should be there step(&evs).await; assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&h1).await?, EntryStatus::Complete); assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&h2).await?, EntryStatus::Complete); // drop the first tag, the entry should be gone after some time drop(tt1); step(&evs).await; assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&h1).await?, EntryStatus::NotFound); assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&h2).await?, EntryStatus::Complete); // create an explicit tag for h1 (as raw) and then delete the temp tag. Entry should still be there. let tag = Tag::from("test"); bao_store .set_tag(tag.clone(), Some(HashAndFormat::raw(h2))) .await?; drop(tt2); tracing::info!("dropped tt2"); step(&evs).await; assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&h2).await?, EntryStatus::Complete); // delete the explicit tag, entry should be gone bao_store.set_tag(tag, None).await?; step(&evs).await; assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&h2).await?, EntryStatus::NotFound); node.shutdown().await?; Ok(()) } /// Test gc for sequences of hashes that protect their children from deletion. #[tokio::test] async fn gc_hashseq_impl() -> Result<()> { let _ = tracing_subscriber::fmt::try_init(); let (node, bao_store, evs) = gc_test_node().await; let data1 = create_test_data(1234); let tt1 = bao_store.import_bytes(data1, BlobFormat::Raw).await?; let data2 = create_test_data(5678); let tt2 = bao_store.import_bytes(data2, BlobFormat::Raw).await?; let seq = vec![*tt1.hash(), *tt2.hash()] .into_iter() .collect::(); let ttr = bao_store .import_bytes(seq.into_inner(), BlobFormat::HashSeq) .await?; let h1 = *tt1.hash(); let h2 = *tt2.hash(); let hr = *ttr.hash(); drop(tt1); drop(tt2); // there is a temp tag for the link seq, so it and its entries should be there step(&evs).await; assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&h1).await?, EntryStatus::Complete); assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&h2).await?, EntryStatus::Complete); assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&hr).await?, EntryStatus::Complete); // make a permanent tag for the link seq, then delete the temp tag. Entries should still be there. let tag = Tag::from("test"); bao_store .set_tag(tag.clone(), Some(HashAndFormat::hash_seq(hr))) .await?; drop(ttr); step(&evs).await; assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&h1).await?, EntryStatus::Complete); assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&h2).await?, EntryStatus::Complete); assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&hr).await?, EntryStatus::Complete); // change the permanent tag to be just for the linkseq itself as a blob. Only the linkseq should be there, not the entries. bao_store .set_tag(tag.clone(), Some(HashAndFormat::raw(hr))) .await?; step(&evs).await; assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&h1).await?, EntryStatus::NotFound); assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&h2).await?, EntryStatus::NotFound); assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&hr).await?, EntryStatus::Complete); // delete the permanent tag, everything should be gone bao_store.set_tag(tag, None).await?; step(&evs).await; assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&h1).await?, EntryStatus::NotFound); assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&h2).await?, EntryStatus::NotFound); assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(&hr).await?, EntryStatus::NotFound); node.shutdown().await?; Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "fs-store")] mod file { use std::{io, path::PathBuf}; use bao_tree::{ io::fsm::{BaoContentItem, ResponseDecoderNext}, BaoTree, }; use futures_lite::StreamExt; use iroh_blobs::{ store::{BaoBatchWriter, ConsistencyCheckProgress, Map, MapEntryMut, ReportLevel}, util::progress::{AsyncChannelProgressSender, ProgressSender as _}, TempTag, }; use iroh_io::AsyncSliceReaderExt; use testdir::testdir; use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt; use super::*; fn path(root: PathBuf, suffix: &'static str) -> impl Fn(&iroh_blobs::Hash) -> PathBuf { move |hash| root.join(format!("{}.{}", hash.to_hex(), suffix)) } fn data_path(root: PathBuf) -> impl Fn(&iroh_blobs::Hash) -> PathBuf { // this assumes knowledge of the internal directory structure of the flat store path(root.join("data"), "data") } fn outboard_path(root: PathBuf) -> impl Fn(&iroh_blobs::Hash) -> PathBuf { // this assumes knowledge of the internal directory structure of the flat store path(root.join("data"), "obao4") } async fn check_consistency(store: &impl Store) -> anyhow::Result { let mut max_level = ReportLevel::Trace; let (tx, rx) = async_channel::bounded(1); let task = tokio::task::spawn(async move { while let Ok(ev) = rx.recv().await { if let ConsistencyCheckProgress::Update { level, .. } = &ev { max_level = max_level.max(*level); } } }); store .consistency_check(false, AsyncChannelProgressSender::new(tx).boxed()) .await?; task.await?; Ok(max_level) } #[tokio::test] async fn redb_doc_import_stress() -> Result<()> { let _ = tracing_subscriber::fmt::try_init(); let dir = testdir!(); let bao_store = iroh_blobs::store::fs::Store::load(dir.join("store")).await?; let (node, _) = wrap_in_node(bao_store.clone(), Duration::from_secs(10)).await; let client = node.client(); let doc =; let author = client.authors().create().await?; let temp_path = dir.join("temp"); tokio::fs::create_dir_all(&temp_path).await?; let mut to_import = Vec::new(); for i in 0..100 { let data = create_test_data(16 * 1024 * 3 + 1); let path = temp_path.join(format!("file{}", i)); tokio::fs::write(&path, &data).await?; let key = Bytes::from(format!("{}", path.display())); to_import.push((key, path, data)); } for (key, path, _) in to_import.iter() { let mut progress = doc.import_file(author, key.clone(), path, true).await?; while let Some(msg) = { tracing::info!("import progress {:?}", msg); } } for (i, (key, _, expected)) in to_import.iter().enumerate() { let Some(entry) = doc.get_exact(author, key.clone(), true).await? else { anyhow::bail!("doc entry not found {}", i); }; let hash = entry.content_hash(); let Some(content) = bao_store.get(&hash).await? else { anyhow::bail!("content not found {} {}", i, &hash.to_hex()[..8]); }; let data = content.data_reader().read_to_end().await?; assert_eq!(data, expected); } Ok(()) } /// Test gc for sequences of hashes that protect their children from deletion. #[tokio::test] async fn gc_file_basics() -> Result<()> { let _ = tracing_subscriber::fmt::try_init(); let dir = testdir!(); let path = data_path(dir.clone()); let outboard_path = outboard_path(dir.clone()); let bao_store = iroh_blobs::store::fs::Store::load(dir.clone()).await?; let (node, evs) = wrap_in_node(bao_store.clone(), Duration::from_millis(100)).await; let data1 = create_test_data(10000000); let tt1 = bao_store .import_bytes(data1.clone(), BlobFormat::Raw) .await?; let data2 = create_test_data(1000000); let tt2 = bao_store .import_bytes(data2.clone(), BlobFormat::Raw) .await?; let seq = vec![*tt1.hash(), *tt2.hash()] .into_iter() .collect::(); let ttr = bao_store .import_bytes(seq.into_inner(), BlobFormat::HashSeq) .await?; let h1 = *tt1.hash(); let h2 = *tt2.hash(); let hr = *ttr.hash(); // data is protected by the temp tag step(&evs).await; bao_store.sync().await?; assert!(check_consistency(&bao_store).await? <= ReportLevel::Info); // h1 is for a giant file, so we will have both data and outboard files assert!(path(&h1).exists()); assert!(outboard_path(&h1).exists()); // h2 is for a mid sized file, so we will have just the data file assert!(path(&h2).exists()); assert!(!outboard_path(&h2).exists()); // hr so small that data will be inlined and outboard will not exist at all assert!(!path(&hr).exists()); assert!(!outboard_path(&hr).exists()); drop(tt1); drop(tt2); let tag = Tag::from("test"); bao_store .set_tag(tag.clone(), Some(HashAndFormat::hash_seq(*ttr.hash()))) .await?; drop(ttr); // data is now protected by a normal tag, nothing should be gone step(&evs).await; bao_store.sync().await?; assert!(check_consistency(&bao_store).await? <= ReportLevel::Info); // h1 is for a giant file, so we will have both data and outboard files assert!(path(&h1).exists()); assert!(outboard_path(&h1).exists()); // h2 is for a mid sized file, so we will have just the data file assert!(path(&h2).exists()); assert!(!outboard_path(&h2).exists()); // hr so small that data will be inlined and outboard will not exist at all assert!(!path(&hr).exists()); assert!(!outboard_path(&hr).exists()); tracing::info!("changing tag from hashseq to raw, this should orphan the children"); bao_store .set_tag(tag.clone(), Some(HashAndFormat::raw(hr))) .await?; // now only hr itself should be protected, but not its children step(&evs).await; bao_store.sync().await?; assert!(check_consistency(&bao_store).await? <= ReportLevel::Info); // h1 should be gone assert!(!path(&h1).exists()); assert!(!outboard_path(&h1).exists()); // h2 should still not be there assert!(!path(&h2).exists()); assert!(!outboard_path(&h2).exists()); // hr should still not be there assert!(!path(&hr).exists()); assert!(!outboard_path(&hr).exists()); bao_store.set_tag(tag, None).await?; step(&evs).await; bao_store.sync().await?; assert!(check_consistency(&bao_store).await? <= ReportLevel::Info); // h1 should be gone assert!(!path(&h1).exists()); assert!(!outboard_path(&h1).exists()); // h2 should still not be there assert!(!path(&h2).exists()); assert!(!outboard_path(&h2).exists()); // hr should still not be there assert!(!path(&hr).exists()); assert!(!outboard_path(&hr).exists()); node.shutdown().await?; Ok(()) } /// Add a file to the store in the same way a download works. /// /// we know the hash in advance, create a partial entry, write the data to it and /// the outboard file, then commit it to a complete entry. /// /// During this time, the partial entry is protected by a temp tag. async fn simulate_download_partial( bao_store: &S, data: Bytes, ) -> io::Result<(S::EntryMut, TempTag)> { // simulate the remote side. let (hash, mut response) = simulate_remote(data.as_ref()); // simulate the local side. // we got a hash and a response from the remote side. let tt = bao_store.temp_tag(HashAndFormat::raw(hash.into())); // get the size let size = response.read_u64_le().await?; // start reading the response let mut reading = bao_tree::io::fsm::ResponseDecoder::new( hash, ChunkRanges::all(), BaoTree::new(size, IROH_BLOCK_SIZE), response, ); // create the partial entry let entry = bao_store.get_or_create(hash.into(), size).await?; // create the let mut bw = entry.batch_writer().await?; let mut buf = Vec::new(); while let ResponseDecoderNext::More((next, res)) = { let item = res?; match &item { BaoContentItem::Parent(_) => { buf.push(item); } BaoContentItem::Leaf(_) => { buf.push(item); let batch = std::mem::take(&mut buf); bw.write_batch(size, batch).await?; } } reading = next; } bw.sync().await?; drop(bw); Ok((entry, tt)) } async fn simulate_download_complete( bao_store: &S, data: Bytes, ) -> io::Result { let (entry, tt) = simulate_download_partial(bao_store, data).await?; // commit the entry bao_store.insert_complete(entry).await?; Ok(tt) } /// Test that partial files are deleted. #[tokio::test] async fn gc_file_partial() -> Result<()> { let _ = tracing_subscriber::fmt::try_init(); let dir = testdir!(); let path = data_path(dir.clone()); let outboard_path = outboard_path(dir.clone()); let bao_store = iroh_blobs::store::fs::Store::load(dir.clone()).await?; let (node, evs) = wrap_in_node(bao_store.clone(), Duration::from_millis(10)).await; let data1: Bytes = create_test_data(10000000); let (_entry, tt1) = simulate_download_partial(&bao_store, data1.clone()).await?; drop(_entry); let h1 = *tt1.hash(); // partial data and outboard files should be there step(&evs).await; bao_store.sync().await?; assert!(check_consistency(&bao_store).await? <= ReportLevel::Info); assert!(path(&h1).exists()); assert!(outboard_path(&h1).exists()); drop(tt1); // partial data and outboard files should be gone step(&evs).await; bao_store.sync().await?; assert!(check_consistency(&bao_store).await? <= ReportLevel::Info); assert!(!path(&h1).exists()); assert!(!outboard_path(&h1).exists()); node.shutdown().await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn gc_file_stress() -> Result<()> { let _ = tracing_subscriber::fmt::try_init(); let dir = testdir!(); let bao_store = iroh_blobs::store::fs::Store::load(dir.clone()).await?; let (node, evs) = wrap_in_node(bao_store.clone(), Duration::from_secs(1)).await; let mut deleted = Vec::new(); let mut live = Vec::new(); // download for i in 0..100 { let data: Bytes = create_test_data(16 * 1024 * 3 + 1); let tt = simulate_download_complete(&bao_store, data).await.unwrap(); if i % 100 == 0 { let tag = Tag::from(format!("test{}", i)); bao_store .set_tag(tag.clone(), Some(HashAndFormat::raw(*tt.hash()))) .await?; live.push(*tt.hash()); } else { deleted.push(*tt.hash()); } } step(&evs).await; for h in deleted.iter() { assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(h).await?, EntryStatus::NotFound); assert!(!dir.join(format!("data/{}.data", h.to_hex())).exists()); } for h in live.iter() { assert_eq!(bao_store.entry_status(h).await?, EntryStatus::Complete); assert!(dir.join(format!("data/{}.data", h.to_hex())).exists()); } node.shutdown().await?; Ok(()) } }