# iroh-topic-tracker


**A tracker for Iroh NodeId's in GossipSub topics.**

This library integrates with
[`iroh-gossip`](https://crates.io/crates/iroh-gossip) to automate peer
discovery and includes a hosted `BOOTSTRAP_NODE` for seamless topic tracking
without you needing to host anything. Your peers can discover each other even
if both are behind NATs.


## Overview

The crate provides a
to manage and discover peers participating in shared GossipSub topics. It
leverages Iroh's direct connectivity and
[`Router`](https://docs.rs/iroh/latest/iroh/protocol/struct.Router.html) to
handle protocol routing.

### Features

- Automatic peer discovery via `iroh-gossip` (enabled with
  `iroh-gossip-auto-discovery` feature).
- Dedicated bootstrap node support for topic tracking.
- Simple API to fetch active peers for a topic.


## Getting Started

### Prerequisites

Add the crate to your `Cargo.toml` with the required features:

iroh-topic-tracker = { version = "0.1", features = ["iroh-gossip-auto-discovery"] }

### Automatic Discovery

Enable `iroh-gossip` integration to automate peer discovery for topics:

use futures_lite::StreamExt;
use iroh::Endpoint;
use iroh_gossip::net::{Event, Gossip, GossipEvent};
use iroh_topic_tracker::{integrations::iroh_gossip::*, topic_tracker::Topic};

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    // Configure Iroh endpoint with discovery
    let endpoint = Endpoint::builder().discovery_n0().bind().await?;

    // Configure gossip protocol with auto-discovery
    let gossip = Gossip::builder()

    // Join a topic and start tracking
    let topic = Topic::from_passphrase("my-iroh-gossip-topic");
    let (sink, mut stream) = gossip.subscribe_and_join(topic.into()).await?.split();

    // Read from stream ..
    while let Some(event) = stream.next().await {
        if let Ok(Event::Gossip(GossipEvent::Received(msg))) = event {

            // Do something with msg...
            let msg_text = String::from_utf8(msg.content.to_vec()).unwrap();


    // .. or Send to Sink
    sink.broadcast("my msg goes here".into()).await.unwrap();


### Basic Setup with Iroh

use iroh::{protocol::Router, Endpoint};
use iroh_topic_tracker::topic_tracker::{Topic, TopicTracker};

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    // Configure Iroh endpoint with discovery
    let endpoint = Endpoint::builder().discovery_n0().bind().await?;

    // Initialize topic tracker
    let topic_tracker = TopicTracker::new(&endpoint);

    // Attach to Iroh router
    let router = Router::builder(endpoint.clone())
        .accept(TopicTracker::ALPN, topic_tracker.clone())

    // Track peers in a topic
    let topic = Topic::from_passphrase("my-secret-topic");
    let peers = topic_tracker.get_topic_nodes(&topic).await?;



## Examples

### Run a Topic Tracker Node

Start a dedicated tracker node:

cargo run --example server

*Note: Update `secret.rs` with your `SecretKey` and configure `BOOTSTRAP_NODES`
in `topic_tracker.rs` for secure communication.*

### Query Active Peers

Fetch the latest NodeIds for a topic:

cargo run --example client


## Building

Optimized release build for the tracker server:

cargo build --release --example server


## License

This project is licensed under either of

- Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE.txt) or
- MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT.txt) or

at your option.

### Contribution

Unless explicitly stated, any contribution intentionally submitted for
inclusion in this project shall be dual-licensed as above, without any
additional terms or conditions.