use anyhow::Result;
use futures_lite::StreamExt;
use iroh::{Endpoint, SecretKey};
use iroh_gossip::net::{Event, Gossip, GossipEvent};
use iroh_topic_tracker::topic_tracker::Topic;

// Import optional feature for iroh-gossip integration
use iroh_topic_tracker::integrations::iroh_gossip::*;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Generate a new random secret key

    let secret_key = SecretKey::generate(rand::rngs::OsRng);

    // Set up endpoint with discovery enabled
    let endpoint = Endpoint::builder()

    // Initialize gossip with auto-discovery
    let gossip = Gossip::builder()

    // Set up protocol router
    let _router = iroh::protocol::Router::builder(endpoint.clone())
        .accept(iroh_gossip::ALPN, gossip.gossip.clone())

    // Create topic from passphrase
    let topic = Topic::from_passphrase("my-iroh-gossip-topic");

    // Split into sink (sending) and stream (receiving) 
    let (sink, mut stream) = gossip.subscribe_and_join(topic.into()).await?.split();

    // Spawn listener for incoming messages
    tokio::spawn(async move {
        while let Some(event) = {
            if let Ok(Event::Gossip(GossipEvent::Received(msg))) = event {
                    "Message from {}: {}",
            } else if let Ok(Event::Gossip(GossipEvent::Joined(peers))) = event{
                for peer in peers {
                    println!("Joined by {}",&peer.to_string()[0..8]);

    // Main input loop for sending messages
    let mut buffer = String::new();
    let stdin = std::io::stdin();
    loop {
        print!("> ");
        stdin.read_line(&mut buffer).unwrap();