from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from opensearchpy import OpenSearch import ironcore_alloy as alloy import json from urllib.request import urlopen import asyncio def pretty_response(response): if len(response["hits"]["hits"]) == 0: print("\nYour search returned no results.") else: print("\n#### Cloaked Search Response: ####") for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]: id = hit["_id"] publication_date = hit["_source"]["publish_date"] title = hit["_source"]["title"] summary = hit["_source"]["summary"] publisher = hit["_source"]["publisher"] pretty_output = f"\nID: {id}\nPublication date: {publication_date}\nTitle: {title}\nPublisher: {publisher}\nSummary: {summary}" print(pretty_output) def pretty_encrypted_response(response): if len(response["hits"]["hits"]) == 0: print("\nYour search returned no results.") else: print("\n#### OpenSearch Direct Response: ####") for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]: id = hit["_id"] publication_date = hit["_source"]["publish_date"] title = hit["_source"]["_icl_p_title"] summary = hit["_source"]["_icl_p_summary"] publisher = hit["_source"]["_icl_p_publisher"] pretty_output = f"\nID: {id}\nPublication date: {publication_date}\nTitle: {title}\nPublisher: {publisher}\nSummary: {summary}" print(pretty_output) async def main(): # Setup the embedding model model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2") # Initialize the OpenSearch client client = OpenSearch( hosts=[{"host": "localhost", "port": 8675}], use_ssl=False, verify_certs=False, ssl_assert_hostname=False, ssl_show_warn=False, ) # Initialize the IronCore Cloaked AI standalone client tenant_id = "tenant-one" # Note: in practice this must be 32 cryptographically-secure bytes key_bytes_1 = b"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" approximation_factor = 2.5 vector_secrets = { "book_index": alloy.VectorSecret( approximation_factor, alloy.RotatableSecret( alloy.StandaloneSecret(1, alloy.Secret(key_bytes_1)), None ), ) } standard_secrets = alloy.StandardSecrets(None, []) deterministic_secrets = {} config = alloy.StandaloneConfiguration( standard_secrets, deterministic_secrets, vector_secrets ) sdk = alloy.Standalone(config) # First make sure `book_index` doesn't exist. client.indices.delete(index="book_index", ignore_unavailable=True) # Define a mapping with a title embedding index_definition = { "settings": {"index": {"knn": True, "knn.algo_param.ef_search": 100}}, "mappings": { "properties": { "title_vector": { "type": "knn_vector", "dimension": 384, "method": {"name": "hnsw"}, } } }, } # Create the book index client.indices.create(index="book_index", body=index_definition) # Index book data url = "" response = urlopen(url) books = json.loads( operations = [] metadata = alloy.AlloyMetadata.new_simple(tenant_id) for book in books: # Transforming the title into an embedding using the model title_embedding = model.encode(book["title"]).tolist() # Encrypt the title embedding with IronCore Labs' Cloaked AI encrypted_title_embedding = await sdk.vector().encrypt( alloy.PlaintextVector(title_embedding, "book_index", ""), metadata ) operations.append({"index": {"_index": "book_index"}}) book["title_vector"] = encrypted_title_embedding.encrypted_vector book["tenant_id"] = tenant_id operations.append(book) bulk_resp = client.bulk("\n".join(map(json.dumps, operations)), refresh=True) # Run a hybrid query title_query_embedding = model.encode("python programming").tolist() # `generate_query_vectors` returns a list because the secret involved may be in rotation. encrypted_title_query_embeddings = await sdk.vector().generate_query_vectors( {"title": alloy.PlaintextVector(title_query_embedding, "book_index", "")}, metadata, ) embedding_queries = [ {"knn": {"title_vector": {"vector": title_embedding.encrypted_vector, "k": 5}}} for title_embedding in encrypted_title_query_embeddings["title"] ] search_query = { "size": 5, "query": { "bool": { "filter": {"term": {"tenant_id.keyword": tenant_id}}, "should": [ {"match": {"summary": "python programming"}}, ] + embedding_queries, } }, } response ="book_index", body=search_query) # Response through Cloaked Search with all results decrypted pretty_response(response) # Take a look at the OpenSearch index directly to see what an over-curious admin or someone who exfiltrated # the index would see. document_ids = [r["_id"] for r in response["hits"]["hits"]] bypass_client = OpenSearch( hosts=[{"host": "localhost", "port": 9200}], use_ssl=False, verify_certs=False, ssl_assert_hostname=False, ssl_show_warn=False, ) bypass_response = index="book_index", body={"size": 5, "query": {"terms": {"_id": document_ids}}} ) pretty_encrypted_response(bypass_response)