# API Reference `AlloyError` documentation is not correctly generated. Its definition is included here manually: ```python class AlloyError(Exception): """ Errors related to IronCore Alloy SDK """ class InvalidConfiguration(AlloyError): """ Error while loading configuration. """ class InvalidKey(AlloyError): """ Error with user key used """ class InvalidInput(AlloyError): """ Error with user input """ class EncryptError(AlloyError): """ Errors while encrypting """ class DecryptError(AlloyError): """ Errors while decrypting """ class DocumentError(AlloyError): """ Error when encrypting or decrypting documents """ class ProtobufError(AlloyError): """ Error when parsing encryption headers/metadata """ class TenantSecurityError(AlloyError): """ Error with requests to TSC """ class IronCoreDocumentsError(AlloyError): """ Error with IronCore Documents """ ``` Keep in mind that this manual definition may get out of step with the actual source so refer to the source if there is any ambiguity. ::: ironcore_alloy.ironcore_alloy