irox Extras for egui ================================= `Stuff that should have been in egui, but isn't.` Features --------- ### Widgets: #### EGUI/Serde Serializer for Debugging Objects visually: Use: ```rust let object = (); // your object that impls Serialize let mut ser = EguiSerializer::new(); if let Ok(()) = obj.serialize( & mut ser) {; } ``` In the above screenshot, `ui` is a `Window` #### ProgressBar Drop-in replacement of egui's ProgressBar widget with some tweaks: * Removes the animated spinner for performance * Adds the ability to mark the bar as 'indeterminate' and show a bouncing bar back and forth * Adds the ability to right align, center, and left align text in the bar. These are not mutually exclusive, and you can have text in all three positions simultaneously. ![](doc/prog1.gif) ### Frames, Apps, & Infrastructure #### ToolFrame & ToolApp Boilerplate bootstraps to make writing tools in egui easier. See the screenshot above for an example of the ToolFrame. You must impl `ToolApp` to use `ToolFrame` #### StylePersistingApp Wraps your App impl to automatically persist your App state to disk. Requires features `serde` #### CompositeApp Allows you to compose multiple Apps together. The `update` method will be called sequentially, in the order the apps are provided.