/*{ "DESCRIPTION": "buffers the last 3 frames and draws a 2x2 grid of the 4 current frames available", "ISFVSN": "2", "CREDIT": "by VIDVOX", "CATEGORIES": [ "Tile Effect", "Stylize" ], "INPUTS": [ { "NAME": "inputImage", "TYPE": "image" }, { "NAME": "lag", "TYPE": "bool", "DEFAULT": 1.0 }, { "NAME": "hueShift", "TYPE": "float", "MIN": 0.0, "MAX": 1.0, "DEFAULT": 0.0 } ], "PASSES": [ { "TARGET":"buffer8", "PERSISTENT": true, "WIDTH": "$WIDTH/3.0", "HEIGHT": "$HEIGHT/3.0" }, { "TARGET":"buffer7", "PERSISTENT": true, "WIDTH": "$WIDTH/3.0", "HEIGHT": "$HEIGHT/3.0" }, { "TARGET":"buffer6", "PERSISTENT": true, "WIDTH": "$WIDTH/3.0", "HEIGHT": "$HEIGHT/3.0" }, { "TARGET":"buffer5", "PERSISTENT": true, "WIDTH": "$WIDTH/3.0", "HEIGHT": "$HEIGHT/3.0" }, { "TARGET":"buffer4", "PERSISTENT": true, "WIDTH": "$WIDTH/3.0", "HEIGHT": "$HEIGHT/3.0" }, { "TARGET":"buffer3", "PERSISTENT": true, "WIDTH": "$WIDTH/3.0", "HEIGHT": "$HEIGHT/3.0" }, { "TARGET":"buffer2", "PERSISTENT": true, "WIDTH": "$WIDTH/3.0", "HEIGHT": "$HEIGHT/3.0" }, { "TARGET":"buffer1", "PERSISTENT": true, "WIDTH": "$WIDTH/3.0", "HEIGHT": "$HEIGHT/3.0" }, { } ] }*/ vec3 rgb2hsv(vec3 c) { vec4 K = vec4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0); //vec4 p = mix(vec4(c.bg, K.wz), vec4(c.gb, K.xy), step(c.b, c.g)); //vec4 q = mix(vec4(p.xyw, c.r), vec4(c.r, p.yzx), step(p.x, c.r)); vec4 p = c.g < c.b ? vec4(c.bg, K.wz) : vec4(c.gb, K.xy); vec4 q = c.r < p.x ? vec4(p.xyw, c.r) : vec4(c.r, p.yzx); float d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y); float e = 1.0e-10; return vec3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + e)), d / (q.x + e), q.x); } vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 c) { vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0); vec3 p = abs(fract(c.xxx + K.xyz) * 6.0 - K.www); return c.z * mix(K.xxx, clamp(p - K.xxx, 0.0, 1.0), c.y); } void main() { // first pass: read the "buffer7" into "buffer8" // apply lag on each pass if (PASSINDEX == 0) { if ((lag == false)||(mod(floor(TIME*60.0+5.0),6.0)<=1.0)) { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer7); } else { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer8); } } else if (PASSINDEX == 1) { if ((lag == false)||(mod(floor(TIME*60.0+3.0),6.0)<=1.0)) { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer6); } else { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer7); } } else if (PASSINDEX == 2) { if ((lag == false)||(mod(floor(TIME*60.0+2.0),6.0)<=1.0)) { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer5); } else { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer6); } } else if (PASSINDEX == 3) { if ((lag == false)||(mod(floor(TIME*60.0+5.0),6.0)<=1.0)) { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer4); } else { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer5); } } else if (PASSINDEX == 4) { if ((lag == false)||(mod(floor(TIME*60.0+1.0),6.0)<=1.0)) { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer3); } else { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer4); } } else if (PASSINDEX == 5) { if ((lag == false)||(mod(floor(TIME*60.0+3.0),6.0)<=1.0)) { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer2); } else { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer3); } } else if (PASSINDEX == 6) { if ((lag == false)||(mod(floor(TIME*60.0+5.0),6.0)<=1.0)) { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer1); } else { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer2); } } else if (PASSINDEX == 7) { if ((lag == false)||(mod(floor(TIME*60.0+3.0),6.0)<=1.0)) { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(inputImage); } else { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(buffer1); } } else if (PASSINDEX == 8) { // Figure out which section I'm in and draw the appropriate buffer there vec2 tex = isf_FragNormCoord; vec4 color = vec4(0.0); // TL – input if (tex.y > 0.667) { if (tex.x < 0.333) { tex.x = tex.x * 3.0; tex.y = (tex.y - 0.667) * 3.0; color = IMG_NORM_PIXEL(inputImage, tex); } // TM – buffer1 else if ((tex.x > 0.333) && (tex.x < 0.667)) { tex.x = (tex.x - 0.333) * 3.0; tex.y = (tex.y - 0.667) * 3.0; color = IMG_NORM_PIXEL(buffer1, tex); color.rgb = rgb2hsv(color.rgb); color.r = mod(color.r + 1.0 * hueShift, 1.0); color.rgb = hsv2rgb(color.rgb); } // TL – buffer2 else { tex.x = (tex.x - 0.667) * 3.0; tex.y = (tex.y - 0.667) * 3.0; color = IMG_NORM_PIXEL(buffer2, tex); color.rgb = rgb2hsv(color.rgb); color.r = mod(color.r + 2.0 * hueShift, 1.0); color.rgb = hsv2rgb(color.rgb); } } // BL - buffer3 else if (tex.y > 0.333) { if (tex.x < 0.333) { tex.x = tex.x * 3.0; tex.y = (tex.y - 0.333) * 3.0; color = IMG_NORM_PIXEL(buffer3, tex); color.rgb = rgb2hsv(color.rgb); color.r = mod(color.r + 3.0 * hueShift, 1.0); color.rgb = hsv2rgb(color.rgb); } // TM – buffer1 else if ((tex.x > 0.333) && (tex.x < 0.667)) { tex.x = (tex.x - 0.333) * 3.0; tex.y = (tex.y - 0.333) * 3.0; color = IMG_NORM_PIXEL(buffer4, tex); color.rgb = rgb2hsv(color.rgb); color.r = mod(color.r + 4.0 * hueShift, 1.0); color.rgb = hsv2rgb(color.rgb); } // TL – buffer2 else { tex.x = (tex.x - 0.667) * 3.0; tex.y = (tex.y - 0.333) * 3.0; color = IMG_NORM_PIXEL(buffer5, tex); color.rgb = rgb2hsv(color.rgb); color.r = mod(color.r + 5.0 * hueShift, 1.0); color.rgb = hsv2rgb(color.rgb); } } else { if (tex.x < 0.333) { tex.x = tex.x * 3.0; tex.y = tex.y * 3.0; color = IMG_NORM_PIXEL(buffer6, tex); color.rgb = rgb2hsv(color.rgb); color.r = mod(color.r + 6.0 * hueShift, 1.0); color.rgb = hsv2rgb(color.rgb); } // TM – buffer1 else if ((tex.x > 0.333) && (tex.x < 0.667)) { tex.x = (tex.x - 0.333) * 3.0; tex.y = tex.y * 3.0; color = IMG_NORM_PIXEL(buffer7, tex); color.rgb = rgb2hsv(color.rgb); color.r = mod(color.r + 7.0 * hueShift, 1.0); color.rgb = hsv2rgb(color.rgb); } // TL – buffer2 else { tex.x = (tex.x - 0.667) * 3.0; tex.y = tex.y * 3.0; color = IMG_NORM_PIXEL(buffer8, tex); color.rgb = rgb2hsv(color.rgb); color.r = mod(color.r + 8.0 * hueShift, 1.0); color.rgb = hsv2rgb(color.rgb); } } gl_FragColor = color; } }