/*{ "DESCRIPTION": "same as TestPersistentBufferDifferingSizes, but uses a temp buffer instead of a persistent buffer", "CREDIT": "by zoidberg", "ISFVSN": "2.0", "CATEGORIES": [ "TEST-GLSL FX" ], "INPUTS": [ { "NAME": "inputImage", "TYPE": "image" } ], "PASSES": [ { "TARGET":"bufferVariableNameA", "WIDTH": "$WIDTH/16.0", "HEIGHT": "$HEIGHT/16.0" }, { "DESCRIPTION": "this empty pass is rendered at the same rez as whatever you are running the ISF filter at- the previous step rendered an image at one-sixteenth the res, so this step ensures that the output is full-size" } ] }*/ void main() { // first pass: read the "inputImage"- remember, we're drawing to the persistent buffer "bufferVariableNameA" on the first pass if (PASSINDEX == 0) { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(inputImage); } // second pass: read from "bufferVariableNameA". output looks chunky and low-res. else if (PASSINDEX == 1) { gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_NORM_PIXEL(bufferVariableNameA); } }