# User Documentation for the IMath Library Author: [M. J. Fromberger](https://github.com/creachadair) ## Installation 1. Edit Makefile to select compiler and options. The default is to use gcc. You may want to change CC to `clang` instead of `gcc` (and on macOS that what you will get anyway), but you should be able to use the default GCC settings for either. By default, the Makefile assumes you can use 64-bit integer types, even though they were not standard in ANSI C90. If you cannot, add `-DUSE_32BIT_WORDS` to the compiler options. 2. Type `make` or `make test` to build the test driver and run the unit tests. None of these should fail. If they do, see below for how you can report bugs. To build with debugging enabled (and optimization disabled), run `make DEBUG=Y`. This sets the preprocessor macro `DEBUG` to 1, and several other things (see Makefile for details). To use the library in your code, include "imath.h" wherever you intend to use the library's routines. The integer library is just a single source file, so you can compile it into your project in whatever way makes sense. If you wish to use rational arithmetic, you will also need to include "imrat.h". ## Background The basic types defined by the imath library are `mpz_t`, an arbitrary precision signed integer, and `mpq_t`, an arbitrary precision signed rational number. The type `mp_int` is a pointer to an `mpz_t`, and `mp_rat` is a pointer to an `mpq_t`. Most of the functions in the imath library return a value of type `mp_result`. This is a signed integer type which can be used to convey status information and also return small values. Any negative value is considered to be a status message. The following constants are defined for processing these: | Status | Description | | ----------- | -------------------------------------------- | | `MP_OK` | operation successful, all is well (= 0) | | `MP_FALSE` | boolean false (= `MP_OK`) | | `MP_TRUE` | boolean true | | `MP_MEMORY` | out of memory | | `MP_RANGE` | parameter out of range | | `MP_UNDEF` | result is undefined (e.g., division by zero) | | `MP_TRUNC` | output value was truncated | | `MP_BADARG` | an invalid parameter was passed | If you obtain a zero or negative value of an `mp_result`, you can use the `mp_error_string()` routine to obtain a pointer to a brief human-readable string describing the error. These strings are statically allocated, so they need not be freed by the caller; the same strings are re-used from call to call. Unless otherwise noted, it is legal to use the same parameter for both inputs and output with most of the functions in this library. For example, you can add a number to itself and replace the original by writing: mp_int_add(a, a, a); /* a = a + a */ Any cases in which this is not legal will be noted in the function summaries below (if you discover that this is not so, please report it as a bug; I will fix either the function or the documentation :) ## The IMath API Each of the API functions is documented here. The general format of the entries is: > ------------ >
> return_type function_name(parameters ...)
> - English description. Unless otherwise noted, any API function that returns `mp_result` may be expected to return `MP_OK`, `MP_BADARG`, or `MP_MEMORY`. Other return values should be documented in the description. Please let me know if you discover this is not the case. The following macros are defined in "imath.h", to define the sizes of the various data types used in the library: | Constant | Description | --------------- | ---------------------------------------- | `MP_DIGIT_BIT` | the number of bits in a single `mpz_t` digit. | `MP_WORD_BIT` | the number of bits in a `mpz_t` word. | `MP_SMALL_MIN` | the minimum value representable by an `mp_small`. | `MP_SMALL_MAX` | the maximum value representable by an `mp_small`. | `MP_USMALL_MAX` | the maximum value representable by an `mp_usmall`. | `MP_MIN_RADIX` | the minimum radix accepted for base conversion. | `MP_MAX_RADIX` | the maximum radix accepted for base conversion. #### Initialization An `mp_int` must be initialized before use. By default, an `mp_int` is initialized with a certain minimum amount of storage for digits, and the storage is expanded automatically as needed. To initialize an `mp_int`, use the following functions: {{insert "imath.h" mp_int_init mp_int_alloc mp_int_init_size mp_int_init_copy mp_int_init_value }} #### Cleanup When you are finished with an `mp_int`, you must free the memory it uses: {{insert "imath.h" mp_int_clear mp_int_free}} #### Setting Values To set an `mp_int` which has already been initialized to a small integer value, use: {{insert "imath.h" mp_int_set_value mp_int_set_uvalue}} To copy one initialized `mp_int` to another, use: {{insert "imath.h" mp_int_copy}} ### Arithmetic Functions {{insert "imath.h" mp_int_is_odd mp_int_is_even mp_int_zero mp_int_abs mp_int_neg mp_int_add mp_int_add_value mp_int_sub mp_int_sub_value mp_int_mul mp_int_mul_value mp_int_mul_pow2 mp_int_sqr mp_int_root mp_int_sqrt mp_int_div mp_int_div_value mp_int_div_pow2 mp_int_mod mp_int_mod_value mp_int_expt mp_int_expt_value mp_int_expt_full }} ### Comparison Functions Unless otherwise specified, comparison between values `x` and `y` returns a **comparator**, an integer value < 0 if `x` is less than `y`, 0 if `x` is equal to `y`, and > 0 if `x` is greater than `y`. {{insert "imath.h" mp_int_compare mp_int_compare_unsigned mp_int_compare_zero mp_int_compare_value mp_int_compare_uvalue mp_int_divisible_value mp_int_is_pow2 }} ### Modular Operations {{insert "imath.h" mp_int_exptmod mp_int_exptmod_evalue mp_int_exptmod_bvalue mp_int_exptmod_known mp_int_redux_const mp_int_invmod mp_int_gcd mp_int_egcd mp_int_lcm }} ### Conversion of Values {{insert "imath.h" mp_int_to_int mp_int_to_uint mp_int_to_string mp_int_string_len mp_int_read_string mp_int_read_cstring mp_int_count_bits mp_int_to_binary mp_int_read_binary mp_int_binary_len mp_int_to_unsigned mp_int_read_unsigned mp_int_unsigned_len }} ### Other Functions Ordinarily, integer multiplication and squaring are done using the simple quadratic "schoolbook" algorithm. However, for sufficiently large values, there is a more efficient algorithm usually attributed to Karatsuba and Ofman that is usually faster. See Knuth Vol. 2 for more details about how this algorithm works. The breakpoint between the "normal" and the recursive algorithm is controlled by a static digit threshold defined in `imath.c`. Values with fewer significant digits use the standard algorithm. This value can be modified by calling `mp_int_multiply_threshold(n)`. The `imtimer` program and the `findthreshold.py` script (Python) can help you find a suitable value for for your particular platform. {{insert "imath.h" mp_error_string}} ## Rational Arithmetic {{insert "imrat.h"}} ## Representation Details > NOTE: You do not need to read this section to use IMath. This is provided > for the benefit of developers wishing to extend or modify the internals of > the library. IMath uses a signed magnitude representation for arbitrary precision integers. The magnitude is represented as an array of radix-R digits in increasing order of significance; the value of R is chosen to be half the size of the largest available unsigned integer type, so typically 16 or 32 bits. Digits are represented as mp_digit, which must be an unsigned integral type. Digit arrays are allocated using `malloc(3)` and `realloc(3)`. Because this can be an expensive operation, the library takes pains to avoid allocation as much as possible. For this reason, the `mpz_t` structure distinguishes between how many digits are allocated and how many digits are actually consumed by the representation. The fields of an `mpz_t` are: mp_digit single; /* single-digit value (see note) */ mp_digit *digits; /* array of digits */ mp_size alloc; /* how many digits are allocated */ mp_size used; /* how many digits are in use */ mp_sign sign; /* the sign of the value */ The elements of `digits` at indices less than `used` are the significant figures of the value; the elements at indices greater than or equal to `used` are undefined (and may contain garbage). At all times, `used` must be at least 1 and at most `alloc`. To avoid interaction with the memory allocator, single-digit values are stored directly in the `mpz_t` structure, in the `single` field. The semantics of access are the same as the more general case. The number of digits allocated for an `mpz_t` is referred to in the library documentation as its "precision". Operations that affect an `mpz_t` cause precision to increase as needed. In any case, all allocations are measured in digits, and rounded up to the nearest `mp_word` boundary. There is a default minimum precision stored as a static constant default_precision (`imath.c`). This value can be set using `mp_int_default_precision(n)`. Note that the allocated size of an `mpz_t` can only grow; the library never reallocates in order to decrease the size. A simple way to do so explicitly is to use `mp_int_init_copy()`, as in: ``` mpz_t big, new; /* ... */ mp_int_init_copy(&new, &big); mp_int_swap(&new, &big); mp_int_clear(&new); ``` The value of `sign` is 0 for positive values and zero, 1 for negative values. Constants `MP_ZPOS` and `MP_NEG` are defined for these; no other sign values are used. If you are adding to this library, you should be careful to preserve the convention that inputs and outputs can overlap, as described above. So, for example, `mp_int_add(a, a, a)` is legal. Often, this means you must maintain one or more temporary mpz_t structures for intermediate values. The private macros `DECLARE_TEMP(N)`, `CLEANUP_TEMP()`, and `TEMP(K)` can be used to maintain a conventional structure like this: ```c { /* Declare how many temp values you need. Use TEMP(i) to access the ith value (0-indexed). */ DECLARE_TEMP(8); ... /* Perform actions that must return MP_OK or fail. */ REQUIRE(mp_int_copy(x, TEMP(1))); ... REQUIRE(mp_int_expt(TEMP(1), TEMP(2), TEMP(3))); ... /* You can also use REQUIRE directly for more complex cases. */ if (some_difficult_question(TEMP(3)) != answer(x)) { REQUIRE(MP_RANGE); /* falls through to cleanup (below) */ } /* Ensure temporary values are cleaned up at exit. If control reaches here via a REQUIRE failure, the code below the cleanup will not be executed. */ CLEANUP_TEMP(); return MP_OK; } ``` Under the covers, these macros are just maintaining an array of `mpz_t` values, and a jump label to handle cleanup. You may only have one `DECLARE_TEMP` and its corresponding `CLEANUP_TEMP` per function body. "Small" integer values are represented by the types `mp_small` and `mp_usmall`, which are mapped to appropriately-sized types on the host system. The default for `mp_small` is "long" and the default for `mp_usmall` is "unsigned long". You may change these, provided you insure that `mp_small` is signed and `mp_usmall` is unsigned. You will also need to adjust the size macros: MP_SMALL_MIN, MP_SMALL_MAX MP_USMALL_MIN, MP_USMALL_MAX ... which are defined in ``, if you change these. Rational numbers are represented using a pair of arbitrary precision integers, with the convention that the sign of the numerator is the sign of the rational value, and that the result of any rational operation is always represented in lowest terms. The canonical representation for rational zero is 0/1. See "imrat.h". ## Testing and Reporting of Bugs Test vectors are included in the `tests/` subdirectory of the imath distribution. When you run `make test`, it builds the `imtest` program and runs all available test vectors. If any tests fail, you will get a line like this: x y FAILED v Here, _x_ is the line number of the test which failed, _y_ is index of the test within the file, and _v_ is the value(s) actually computed. The name of the file is printed at the beginning of each test, so you can find out what test vector failed by executing the following (with x, y, and v replaced by the above values, and where "foo.t" is the name of the test file that was being processed at the time): % tail +x tests/foo.t | head -1 None of the tests should fail (but see [Note 2](#note2)); if any do, it probably indicates a bug in the library (or at the very least, some assumption I made which I shouldn't have). Please [file an issue](https://github.com/creachadair/imath/issues/new), including the `FAILED` test line(s), as well as the output of the above `tail` command (so I know what inputs caused the failure). If you build with the preprocessor symbol `DEBUG` defined as a positive integer, the digit allocators (`s_alloc`, `s_realloc`) fill all new buffers with the value `0xdeadbeefabad1dea`, or as much of it as will fit in a digit, so that you can more easily catch uninitialized reads in the debugger. ## Notes 1. You can generally use the same variables for both input and output. One exception is that you may not use the same variable for both the quotient and the remainder of `mp_int_div()`. 2. Many of the tests for this library were written under the assumption that the `mp_small` type is 32 bits or more. If you compile with a smaller type, you may see `MP_RANGE` errors in some of the tests that otherwise pass (due to conversion failures). Also, the pi generator (pi.c) will not work correctly if `mp_small` is too short, as its algorithm for arc tangent is fairly simple-minded. ## Contacts The IMath library was written by Michael J. Fromberger. If you discover any bugs or testing failures, please [open an issue](https://github.com/creachadair/imath/issues/new). Please be sure to include a complete description of what went wrong, and if possible, a test vector for `imtest` and/or a minimal test program that will demonstrate the bug on your system. Please also let me know what hardware, operating system, and compiler you're using. ## Acknowledgements The algorithms used in this library came from Vol. 2 of Donald Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming" (Seminumerical Algorithms). Thanks to Nelson Bolyard, Bryan Olson, Tom St. Denis, Tushar Udeshi, and Eric Silva for excellent feedback on earlier versions of this code. Special thanks to Jonathan Shapiro for some very helpful design advice, as well as feedback and some clever ideas for improving performance in some common use cases. ## License and Disclaimers IMath is Copyright 2002-2009 Michael J. Fromberger You may use it subject to the following Licensing Terms: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.