# isla-cat 🐱

isla-cat is a Rust library for converting the cat files used by
[herd](https://github.com/herd/herdtools7) to describe hardware
relaxed memory models into a form suitable for use with SMT solvers
such as Z3 and CVC4.

It also contains a small binary `cat2smt` which translates such cat
files on the command line.

Documentation for the cat language can be found

# Licensing

The `.cat` files in the catlib subdirectory are licensed under the
CeCILL-B license [from herd](https://github.com/herd/herdtools7/blob/master/LICENSE.txt).

The `.cat` files in the tests directory are likewise licensed under
the CeCILL-B license, except `aarch64.cat` which is under a 3-clause
BSD license from ARM Ltd.

# Limitations

cat has some features which are not easy (or even possible at all) to
translate into SMT. Roughly-speaking, this supports the fragment of
cat that defines sets and relations over events. More formally the
fragment of cat we support is defined by the grammar:

expr ::= 0
       | id
       | expr? | expr^-1
       | ~expr
       | [expr]
       | expr | expr
       | expr ; expr | expr \ expr | expr & expr | expr * expr
       | expr expr
       | let id = expr in expr
       | ( expr )

binding ::= id = expr

closure_binding ::= id = expr^+
                  | id = expr^*

id ::= [a-zA-Z_][0-9a-z_.-]*

def ::= let binding { and binding }
      | let closure_binding
      | let funbinding
      | include string
      | show expr as id
      | show id {, id }
      | unshow id {, id }
      | [ flag ] check expr [ as id ]

funbinding ::= id ( id ) = expr

check ::= checkname | ~checkname

checkname ::= acyclic | irreflexive | empty