# itext-rs Rust bindings to the Java library iText-PDF. ## Purpose Generating PDFs in Rust is at the early stages. Java's PDF world is pretty far along. This library allows a Rust program to create PDFs using iText PDF. ## Compiling If the `bundled` feature is enabled: - The JVM should be installed. - The environmental variable `JAVA_HOME` should be set. ## Usage If the `bundled` feature is enabled: When using JNI's invocation API, the JAR file embedded in this crate should be added to the classpath: 1. Save the jarfile (const `bundle::DEPENDENCIES`) to disk 2. Add the option `-Djava.class.path=` to the JVM's start parameters. If the `bundled` feature is not enabled, you are responsible for providing the itext-pdf libraries to the JVM.