# itrs (`it`) itrs is a simple command line tool that provides command-line access to some useful Rust iterator and string methods. These may be more memorable subtitute for some quick `awk` commands or common command-line idioms like `sort | uniq`. itrs provides a single executable that can access the various subcommands by name. ## Installation Installation requires cargo ```bash cargo install itrs ``` ## Usage After installation you should have a binary called `it` avaliable. This can be used to access the subcommands. For example, triming the leading and trailing whitespace from a file called `input.txt` and write the output to the stdout. ```bash it trim input.txt ``` This could also be acomplished using `awk` with something like: ```bash awk '{$1=$1;print}' input.txt ``` However using the `it trim` command may be more memorable, and is more performant in most cases. A common idiom in shell scripts is `sort | uniq` for getting only the unique lines of an input. This can be replaced by the `it unique` command, which works even on unsorted data. Under the hood this uses the Rust `itertools` library's unique method on iterators. This command can also be accessed with the alias `it uniq` (many of the subcommands have useful aliases). More subcommands, their aliases, and their descriptions can be shown with `it help`