use iz80::*; // From // Not passing //static CODE: &'static [u8] = include_bytes!("res/z80doc.out"); //static CODE: &'static [u8] = include_bytes!("res/z80ccf.out"); //static CODE: &'static [u8] = include_bytes!("res/z80docflags.out"); //static CODE: &'static [u8] = include_bytes!("res/z80flags.out"); //static CODE: &'static [u8] = include_bytes!("res/z80memptr.out"); static CODE: &'static [u8] = include_bytes!("res/z80full.out"); const START: u16 = 0x8000; #[test] #[ignore] fn z80test() { let mut cpu = Cpu::new_z80(); let mut machine = PlainMachine::new(); // Load program let code = CODE; let size = code.len(); for i in 0..size { machine.poke(START + i as u16, code[i]); } // Do nothing on 0x1601 and RST 0x10 machine.poke(0x1601, 0xc9); // RET machine.poke(0x0010, 0xc9); // RET // Patch to run a single test let run_single_test = false; let single_test = 148; if run_single_test { machine.poke16(0x802b, single_test); // ld bc, 0 to ld bc, test let mut test_start = machine.peek16(0x802e); println!("Test table {:x}", test_start); test_start += single_test*2; println!("Test table {:x}", test_start); machine.poke16(0x802e, test_start); // Move start machine.poke16(test_start + 2 , 0); // NUL terminate test } cpu.registers().set_pc(START); let trace = false; cpu.set_trace(trace); let mut msg = String::new(); loop { cpu.execute_instruction(&mut machine); if cpu.registers().pc() == 0x0000 { println!(""); break; } if cpu.registers().pc() == 0x0010 { let mut ch = cpu.registers().get8(Reg8::A) as char; if ch == '\r' { ch = '\n' } else if ch as u8 == 23 { ch = ' ' } else if ch as u8 == 26 { ch = ' ' } //print!("{}[{}]", ch, ch as u8); print!("{}", ch); msg.push(ch); } } assert_eq!(true, msg.contains("CPU TESTS OK")); }