# jabba-cpc The name "cpc" stands for _**c**opy **p**ath to **c**lipboard_. This is a binary crate. `cpc` copies the path of the current working directory to the clipboard. If a parameter is given, it's also added to the path. Supported platforms: Windows and Linux (with X server). ## Demo
view demo on YouTube
## Windows Put `cpc.exe` to a folder that is in your PATH. Example: ``` c:\> cd c:\download c:\download> cpc ``` Now the current directory's path, "**c:\download**" is copied to the clipboard. ``` c:\download> cpc tree.jpg ``` Now the absolute path of the given file, "**c:\download\tree.jpg**" is copied to the clipboard. Help: `cpc.exe -h` ## Linux `cpc` relies on the external command `xclip` to manipulate the content of the clipboard. Thus, you must install `xclip` using your package manager (under Ubuntu it's `sudo apt install xclip`). Under Linux, there are two clipboards. They are called "primary" and "clipboard". `cpc` puts the path on both of them, thus you can insert the path with one of the following methods: Ctrl+v, Shift+Insert, or mouse middle click. See the example above, it works similarly under Linux. Help: `cpc -h`