# JAMS This crate provides a CLI for interacting [**J.A.M.S - Just Another Model Server**](https://github.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs). ![Alt text](https://github.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs/blob/main/jams/screenshot.png?raw=true) ⚠️ **DISCLAIMER: jams is reaching stable version but may not run properly on ARM chips. Future releases will fix this. For now use docker image or Linux x86_64 architecture. Only Pytorch 2.2.0 is supported for now due to dependencies on FFI bindings. Although you may be able to run models trained on version <= 2.2.0** --- ## Features - Async - Separate Rayon Threadpool for computing predictions - Multiple Model Frameworks Supported - Tensorflow - Torch* - Catboost - LightGBM - Multiple Model Store Backends Supported with Polling - Local File System - AWS S3 - Azure Blob Storage - MinIO - Thin & Fast API Layer - HTTP via Axum - gRPC via Tonic - Ready to use clients - Python - Go - Rust - TypeScript 🚧 - JAVA 🚧 ### The following features are in progress 🚧 - Support XGBoost framework - ModelSpec - Single source of information about models. This will assist in input validations --- ## Docker Setup J.A.M.S is hosted on [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/gagansingh894/jams). `docker pull gagansingh894/jams` ##### Docker Compose Ensure that you have `docker compose` installed on your system. Please follow instructions [here](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) **Note: If you are on Apple Silicon, please disable `Use Rosetta for x86_64/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon` option under settings** To quickly get started running with `J.A.M.S`, please run the following commands 1. Execute bash script The script creates a jams-playground directory with a subdirectory models, and then downloads a Docker Compose configuration file and several machine learning model files from a GitHub repository into the respective directories. It runs with superuser privileges using sudo to ensure necessary permissions for directory creation and file downloads. ``` sudo bash -c 'mkdir -p jams-playground/models && \ wget -q -O jams-playground/docker-compose-http-grpc-minio.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs/main/build/docker-compose-http-grpc-minio.yml && \ wget -q -O jams-playground/models/catboost-titanic_model.tar.gz https://github.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs/raw/main/jams-serve/tests/model_store/catboost-titanic_model.tar.gz && \ wget -q -O jams-playground/models/lightgbm-my_awesome_reg_model.tar.gz https://github.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs/raw/main/jams-serve/tests/model_store/lightgbm-my_awesome_reg_model.tar.gz && \ wget -q -O jams-playground/models/pytorch-my_awesome_californiahousing_model.tar.gz https://github.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs/raw/main/jams-serve/tests/model_store/pytorch-my_awesome_californiahousing_model.tar.gz && \ wget -q -O jams-playground/models/tensorflow-my_awesome_penguin_model.tar.gz https://github.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs/raw/main/jams-serve/tests/model_store/tensorflow-my_awesome_penguin_model.tar.gz' ``` 2. Run docker compose ``` docker compose -f jams-playground/docker-compose-http-grpc-minio.yml up ``` If everything works fine, this should start a `minio` server with some preloaded models as model store, `J.A.M.S http` and `J.A.M.S grpc` server for making predictions. You can add new models by uploading them directly to `minio` via UI ( The models should be of supported types and follow the naming convention `-model_name.tar.gz`. Use the curl commands to make predictions ``` curl --location '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --data '{ "model_name": "my_awesome_penguin_model", "input": "{\"island\":[2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0],\"bill_length_mm\":[39.1,39.5,40.3,36.7,39.3],\"bill_depth_mm\":[18.7,17.4,18.0,19.3,20.6],\"flipper_length_mm\":[181.0,186.0,195.0,193.0,190.0],\"body_mass_g\":[3750.0,3800.0,3250.0,3450.0,3650.0],\"sex\":[1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]}" }' ``` ``` curl --location '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --data '{ "model_name": "titanic_model", "input": "{\"adult_male\":[\"True\",\"False\"],\"age\":[22.0,23.79929292929293],\"alone\":[\"True\",\"False\"],\"class\":[\"First\",\"Third\"],\"deck\":[\"Unknown\",\"Unknown\"],\"embark_town\":[\"Southampton\",\"Cherbourg\"],\"embarked\":[\"S\",\"C\"],\"fare\":[151.55,14.4542],\"parch\":[\"0\",\"0\"],\"pclass\":[\"1\",\"3\"],\"sex\":[\"male\",\"female\"],\"sibsp\":[\"0\",\"1\"],\"who\":[\"man\",\"woman\"]}" }' ``` Alternatively, you can use Postman or equivalent. ### Config File The easiest way to start J.A.M.S is by providing a config TOML file ``` [config] protocol = "http" # Specifies the protocol to be used by the server. # Allowed values: "http", "grpc" port = 3000 # Defines the port number on which the server will listen. # This should be an integer between 1 and 65535. # Example: 3000 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS model_store = "local" # Indicates the type of model store being used. # Allowed values: # - "local": Use local storage. # - "aws": Use AWS S3 for model storage. # - "azure": Use Azure Blob Storage. model_dir = "" # Specifies the directory path where models are stored locally. # If `model_store` is set to "local", this directory is used # to store or load models. azure_storage_container_name = "jamsmodelstore" # Specifies the name of the Azure Blob Storage container # used for storing models when `model_store` is set to "azure". # This should be a valid container name in Azure. s3_bucket_name = "jamsmodelstore" # Indicates the name of the S3 bucket used for storing models # when `model_store` is set to "aws". # This should be a valid bucket name in AWS S3. poll_interval = 600 # Defines the time interval (in seconds) for polling the model store # to check for updates. # Example: 600 means the application will poll every 10 minutes. num_workers = 4 # Sets the number of Rayon threadpool worker threads # Example: 4 threads ``` Then Run ``` docker run --rm -v /your/path/to/model_store:/model_store -p 3000:3000 gagansingh894/jams start -f config.toml ``` There are other ways to start J.A.M.S. Please follow the following commands to start the server inside docker. If you want to disable polling, then do not pass `--poll-interval` To run HTTP server, use ``` docker run --rm -v /your/path/to/model_store:/model_store -p 3000:3000 gagansingh894/jams start http --model-dir local --poll-interval 3600 ``` To run gRPC server, use ``` docker run --rm -v /your/path/to/model_store:/model_store -p 4000:4000 gagansingh894/jams start grpc --model-store=local --poll-interval 3600 ``` ### To run with a S3/MinIo backend - Create a S3 bucket with some models in it. Please refer to the structure of model store [here](https://github.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs?tab=readme-ov-file#model-store). - Set the environment variables - `AWS_REGION`, `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`, `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`. Alternatively if you have multiple AWS profiles then just set the `AWS_PROFILE-` You also need to set the bucket name. This can either be set via `S3_BUCKET_NAME` env variable or passed via `--s3-bucket-name` flag - If using `minio`, you will need to set these environment variables in addition to the above = `MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_ID`, `MINIO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` and `MINIO_URL`. The default values are `minioadmin` and `` respectively - Run the command to start HTTP server with S3 model store. It assumes that bucket name is already set via `S3_BUCKET_NAME` ``` docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 gagansingh894/jams start http --model-store= --poll-interval 3600 ``` - For gRPC server, use ``` docker run --rm -p 4000:4000 gagansingh894/jams start grpc --model-store= --poll-interval 3600 ``` - If you want to pass bucket name, use ``` docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 gagansingh894/jams start http --model-store= --s3-bucket-name= ``` ### To run with a Azure Blob Storage backend - Create a Azure Storage container with some models in it. Please refer to the structure of model store [here](https://github.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs?tab=readme-ov-file#model-store). - Set the environment variables - `STORAGE_ACCOUNT`, `STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY`. You also need to set the azure container name. This can either be set via `AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME` env variable or passed via `--azure-storage-container-name` flag - Run the command to start HTTP server with Azure model store. It assumes that container name is already set via `AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME` ``` docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 gagansingh894/jams start http --model-store=azure --poll-interval 3600 ``` - For gRPC server, use ``` docker run --rm -p 4000:4000 gagansingh894/jams start grpc --model-store=azure --poll-interval 3600 ``` - If you want to pass container name, use ``` docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 gagansingh894/jams start http --model-store=azure --azure-storage-container-name= --poll-interval 3600 ``` Please refer to [OpenAPI Spec](https://github.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs/blob/main/openapi.yml) for API endpoints. Alternatively, you can also refer to the [proto definition](https://github.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs/blob/main/internal/jams-proto/proto/api/v1/jams.proto). --- --- ## Local Setup **Ensure that Cargo and Rust compiler are installed. Follow instructions [here](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) if not installed** This project relies on a couple of shared libraries. To easily set up, please follow the steps below ### Mac - Apple Silicon 1. Install [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) if not already installed 2. Install [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) if not already installed. **The MSRV is 1.81.** 3. Run the following command to install bazel, lightgbm, pytorch and tensorflow ``` brew install bazel lightgbm tensorflow ``` 3. Download **Pytorch 2.2.0** from Pytorch website and set it to path ``` sudo sh -c ' echo "Downloading libtorch for macOS (ARM64)..."; wget https://download.pytorch.org/libtorch/cpu/libtorch-macos-arm64-2.2.0.zip -O /usr/local/lib/libtorch-macos-arm64-2.2.0.zip; echo "Unzipping libtorch into /usr/local/lib/libtorch2_2_0..."; mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/libtorch2_2_0; unzip /usr/local/lib/libtorch-macos-arm64-2.2.0.zip -d /usr/local/lib/libtorch2_2_0; echo "Cleaning up by deleting the zip file..."; rm /usr/local/lib/libtorch-macos-arm64-2.2.0.zip; echo "Please add the following to your .bashrc/.zshrc and restart terminal..."; COMMON_LIBS_PATH=/usr/local/lib LIBTORCH=$COMMON_LIBS_PATH/libtorch2_2_0/libtorch LIBTORCH_INCLUDE=$COMMON_LIBS_PATH/libtorch2_2_0/libtorch LIBTORCH_LIB=$COMMON_LIBS_PATH/libtorch2_2_0/libtorch DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$COMMON_LIBS_PATH:$COMMON_LIBS_PATH/libtorch2_2_0/libtorch echo "Libtorch installed in /usr/local/lib/libtorch2_2_0 and zip file deleted."; ' ``` 4. Download catboost library(.dylib) directly from Github ``` sudo wget -q https://github.com/catboost/catboost/releases/download/v1.2.5/libcatboostmodel-darwin-universal2-1.2.5.dylib -O /usr/local/lib/libcatboostmodel.dylib ``` 5. Copy lightGBM library(.dylib) and libomp library to usr/local/lib ``` sudo cp /opt/homebrew/Cellar/lightgbm/$(brew list --versions lightgbm | awk '{print $2}')/lib/lib_lightgbm.dylib /usr/local/lib/ && sudo cp /opt/homebrew/Cellar/libomp/$(brew list --versions libomp | awk '{print $2}')/lib/libomp.dylib /usr/local/lib/ ``` 6. Add the following environment variables to .bashrc/.zshrc ``` export COMMON_LIBS_PATH=/usr/local/lib export LIBTORCH=$COMMON_LIBS_PATH/libtorch2_2_0/libtorch export LIBTORCH_INCLUDE=$COMMON_LIBS_PATH/libtorch2_2_0/libtorch export LIBTORCH_LIB=$COMMON_LIBS_PATH/libtorch2_2_0/libtorch export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$COMMON_LIBS_PATH:$COMMON_LIBS_PATH/libtorch2_2_0/libtorch/lib ``` 6. Run the following command to install **jams** ``` cargo install jams ``` ### Linux 1. Use the bash script [here](https://github.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs/blob/main/build) based on your system architecture 2. Run the following commands or add them to shell profile ``` # add environment variables export COMMON_LIBS_PATH=/usr/local/lib export LIGHTGBM_LIB_DIR=$COMMON_LIBS_PATH export LIBTORCH=$COMMON_LIBS_PATH/libtorch export LIBTORCH_INCLUDE=$COMMON_LIBS_PATH/libtorch export LIBTORCH_LIB=$COMMON_LIBS_PATH/libtorch export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$COMMON_LIBS_PATH:$COMMON_LIBS_PATH/libtorch/lib export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:$COMMON_LIBS_PATH/libtensorflow export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$COMMON_LIBS_PATH/libtensorflow/lib ``` 3. Run the following command to install **J.A.M.S** ``` cargo install jams ``` --- ## API Endpoints Once **J.A.M.S** is up and running, these endpoints will help you interact with the server. Please refer to [OpenAPI Spec](https://github.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs/blob/main/openapi.yml) for details. `/healthcheck`: Endpoint for health checks `/api/predict`: Endpoint for making predictions `/api/models`: Endpoint for managing models Alternatively, you can refer also refer to the [proto definition](https://github.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs/blob/main/jams-serve/proto/api/v1/jams.proto). It provides the following **RPCs** - `HealthCheck` - `Predict` - `GetModels` - `AddModel` - `UpdateModel` - `DeleteModel` --- ## Usage The CLI provides the following commands ``` - jams start - jams predict ``` ### start Use this command to start either the HTTP/gRPC model server on ``/`` with separate rayon threadpool for computing predictions The server expects a model directory containing the models. This can be either passed using the ```--model-dir``` flag To start HTTP server ``` jams start http --model-dir path/to/model_dir ``` To start gRPC server ``` jams start grpc --model-dir path/to/model_dir ``` Alternatively, you can set the **MODEL_STORE_DIR** env variable pointing to the model directory and run `jams start http` or `jams start grpc` ``` export MODEL_STORE_DIR=path/to/model_dir ``` By default, the server runs on port `3000` and `2` workers in the rayon threadpool.You can override using the `--port` and `--num-workers` flags respectively. The log level can also be changed to `DEBUG` level using `--use-debug-level=true`. #### Model Store Below is the expected structure of model stores. - Notice the model naming convention **-model_name.tar.gz**. - The server unpacks and loads the model files. - The server will warn about the unsupported formats and continue to load other models ``` └── model_store ├── catboost-my_awesome_binary_model.tar.gz ├── catboost-my_awesome_multiclass_model.tar.gz ├── catboost-my_awesome_regressor_model.tar.gz ├── catboost-titanic_model.tar.gz ├── lightgbm-my_awesome_binary_model_2.tar.gz ├── lightgbm-my_awesome_reg_model.tar.gz ├── lightgbm-my_awesome_xen_binary_model.tar.gz ├── lightgbm-my_awesome_xen_prob_model.tar.gz ├── pytorch-my_awesome_californiahousing_model.tar.gz ├── tensorflow-my_awesome_autompg_model.tar.gz ├── tensorflow-my_awesome_penguin_model.tar.gz ├── tensorflow-my_awesome_sequential_model.tar.gz └── torch-my_awesome_penguin_model.tar.gz ``` ### predict Use this command for making predictions via CLI for making predictions for the following models - Tensorflow - Torch - Catboost - LightGBM Refer below for some examples of the **predict** command. There are multiple python scripts in [examples folder](https://github.com/gagansingh894/jams-rs/tree/main/jams-cli/examples) which would allow you to generate different models and their corresponding sample json input. Below are some examples #### Tensorflow 1. Run tensorflow_penguin_multiclass_classification_model.py 2. This will create two files- a model file and input json file 3. Run the following command and pass in the path for model file and input file ``` jams predict tensorflow --model-path=tensorflow_penguin_functional --input-path=tensorflow_input.json ``` #### Torch 1. Run torch_penguin_multiclass_classification_model.py 2. This will create two files- a model file and input json file 3. Run the following command and pass in the path for model file and input file ``` jams predict torch --model-path=torch_penguin.pt --input-path=torch_input.json ``` #### Catboost 1. Run catboost_titanic_binary_classification_model.py 2. This will create two files- a model file and input json file 3. Run the following command and pass in the path for model file and input file ``` jams predict catboost --model-path=catboost_titanic --input-path=catboost_input.json ``` #### LightGBM 1. Run lightgbm_iris_binary_classification_model.py 2. This will create two files- a model file and input json file 3. Run the following command(example) and pass in the path for model file and input file ``` jams predict lightgbm --model-path=lightgbm_iris.txt --input-path=lightgbm_input.json ```