![logo_icon_jarylo] Jarylo === `Jarilo` (Yarilo) is a library made specifically to simplify working with 'glium'. The library was created specifically for [Dryad](https://github.com/MayorDi/dryad)![logo_icon_dryad] A simple example of a program on `Jarylo`: ``` rust use jarylo::color::*; fn main() { jarylo::App::new() .set_title("simple".to_string()) .set_update(||{}) .set_render(|painter| { painter.set_color(BLACK); painter.clear(); painter.set_color(WHITE); painter.draw_rect(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5); }).build().run(); } ``` ![simple_window] `jarylo::App::new()` - creating an application.
`set_title` - definition of the application header.
`set_update` - definition of the main calculation cycle.
`set_render` - definition of the main rendering cycle.
`build` is the method of assembling all configured components.
`run` is the method of launching the application. [simple_window]: ./assets/images/simple_window.png [logo_icon_dryad]: ./assets/icons/icon_tree.png [logo_icon_jarylo]: ./assets/icons/icon_jarylo.png