use std::{ collections::HashMap, env, fs::{self, read_dir, File}, io::{self, Write}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, str::FromStr, }; use strfmt::strfmt; #[derive(Debug)] struct Error { message: String, } impl From for Error { fn from(error: io::Error) -> Self { Error { message: error.to_string(), } } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: env::VarError) -> Self { Error { message: error.to_string(), } } } type Matcher = fn(&PathBuf) -> bool; fn generate_tests(destination: &str, module: &str, path: &str, template: &str, matcher: Matcher) -> Result<(), Error> { let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR")?; let destination = Path::new(&out_dir).join(destination); let mut test_file = File::create(&destination)?; start_module(&mut test_file, module)?; generate_tests_module(&mut test_file, &PathBuf::from_str(path).unwrap(), template, matcher)?; end_module(&mut test_file)?; Ok(()) } fn generate_tests_module( mut test_file: &mut File, dir: &PathBuf, template: &str, matcher: Matcher, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let module_name = normalize_file_stem(dir)?; start_module(&mut test_file, &module_name)?; for entry in read_dir(dir)? { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path().canonicalize()?; if path.is_dir() { generate_tests_module(test_file, &path, template, matcher)?; } else { if matcher(&path) { generate_test(test_file, &path, template)?; } } } end_module(&mut test_file)?; Ok(()) } fn generate_test(test_file: &mut File, path: &PathBuf, template: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut vars = HashMap::new(); vars.insert("name".to_string(), format!("{}", normalize_file_stem(&path)?)); vars.insert( "path".to_string(), path.to_str().expect("unable to format path as a string").to_string(), ); let template = fs::read_to_string(template).expect("unable to read template"); let content = strfmt(&template, &vars).expect("unable to format template"); test_file.write_all(content.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } fn start_module(test_file: &mut File, name: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { write!( test_file, r#" #[allow(unused_imports)] mod {name} {{ use jellyschema::schema::Schema; use jellyschema::error::Error; use jellyschema::generator::generate_json_ui_schema; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use serde_json; use serde_yaml; use std::str::FromStr; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::fs; "#, name = name )?; Ok(()) } fn end_module(test_file: &mut File) -> Result<(), Error> { write!( test_file, r#" }} "# )?; Ok(()) } fn normalize_file_stem(path: &PathBuf) -> Result { let result = path .file_stem() .ok_or(Error { message: "cannot convert os string into string".to_string(), })? .to_string_lossy() .replace("-", "_"); Ok(result.to_string()) } fn validator_tests_matcher(path: &PathBuf) -> bool { match path.extension() { Some(ext) => ext == "yaml", _ => false, } } fn generator_tests_matcher(path: &PathBuf) -> bool { match path.file_name() { Some(name) => name == "input-schema.yaml", _ => false, } } fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { generate_tests( "", "vd", "./tests/validator/data", "./tests/validator/data-test-template", validator_tests_matcher, )?; generate_tests( "", "ve", "./tests/validator/errors", "./tests/validator/errors-test-template", validator_tests_matcher, )?; generate_tests( "", "gi", "./tests/generator/invalid", "./tests/generator/invalid-test-template", generator_tests_matcher, )?; generate_tests( "", "gb", "./tests/generator/valid", "./tests/generator/valid-test-template", generator_tests_matcher, )?; Ok(()) }