select-project-prompt = Please select a project to deploy select-project-failed = Failed to select project get-projects-failed = Failed to get projects get-job-parameters-failed = Failed to get job parameters get-project-failed = Failed to get project info prompt-input = Please enter {$name} prompt-select = Please select {$name} prompt-confirm = Please confirm {$name} prompt-password = Please enter {$name} (press Enter to use default) prompt-select-branch = Please select {$name} manual-input = [*] Manual input polling-queue-item = Task is in queue, please wait... cancel-build-prompt = There is a build in progress. Do you want to cancel it? cancelling-build = Cancelling the build... current-build-id = Current build ID build-cancelled = Build cancelled cancel-build-failed = Failed to cancel build check-build-status-failed = Failed to check build status cancel-build-error = Failed to cancel build: {$error} bye = Bye! load-config-failed = Failed to load configuration fill-required-config = Please fill in the required configuration (url, user, token) jenkins-login-instruction = Log in to Jenkins, click on your avatar in the top right corner to get User ID and generate API Token select-jenkins = Please select Jenkins service select-jenkins-failed = Failed to select Jenkins service get-home-dir-failed = Failed to get home directory config-file = Configuration file read-config-file-failed = Failed to read configuration file parse-config-file-failed = Failed to parse configuration file write-default-config-failed = Failed to write default configuration file last-build-params = Last build parameters use-last-build-params = Do you want to use the last build parameters? update-history-failed = Failed to update history: {$error} trigger-build-failed = Failed to trigger build git-bash-version-low = Detected low version of current terminal, please upgrade Git Bash to the latest version: git-win-download-link = Download link: alternative-solutions = Alternatively, you can try the following solutions: use-other-win-terminals = 1. Use other terminals, such as Git CMD, PowerShell, cmd, etc. use-winpty = 2. Use the winpty command to start the program, for example: winpty-example = winpty jenkins.exe unsupported-terminal = Unsupported terminal detected, please check your terminal settings. new-version-available = A new version of jenkins CLI is available: { $version } current-version = Current version: { $version } update-instruction = Run `{ $command }` or install from { $url }