use std::env; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; fn main() { cfg(); macros(); simd_macros(); println!(""); } fn cfg() { let target_arch = env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH").unwrap_or_default(); let target_feature = env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_FEATURE").unwrap_or_default(); let ok_arch = matches!(&*target_arch, "x86" | "x86_64"); let sse4_2_guaranteed = target_feature.split(',').any(|f| f == "sse4.2"); if sse4_2_guaranteed { println!(r#"cargo:rustc-cfg=jetscii_sse4_2="yes""#); } else if ok_arch { println!(r#"cargo:rustc-cfg=jetscii_sse4_2="maybe""#); } else { println!(r#"cargo:rustc-cfg=jetscii_sse4_2="no""#); } } fn macros() { let mut base: PathBuf = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap().into(); base.push("src"); fs::create_dir_all(&base) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Could not create directory {}: {}", base.display(), e)); base.push(""); let mut f = File::create(&base) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Could not create {}: {}", base.display(), e)); macros_bytes(&mut f, &base); macros_ascii_chars(&mut f, &base); } fn macros_bytes(f: &mut File, base: &Path) { let arms: String = (1..=16) .map(|max| { let args: Vec<_> = (0..max).map(|i| format!("$b{:02}:expr", i)).collect(); let args = args.join(", "); let arg_values: Vec<_> = (0..max).map(|i| format!("$b{:02} as u8", i)).collect(); let mut array = arg_values.clone(); array.extend((max..16).map(|_| String::from("0"))); let array = array.join(", "); let closure_body: Vec<_> = arg_values.iter().map(|n| format!("{} == c", n)).collect(); let closure = format!("|c| {}", closure_body.join(" || ")); format!( "({}) => ($crate::Bytes::new([{}], {}, {}));\n", args, array, max, closure ) }) .collect(); write!( f, r#" /// A convenience constructor for a [`Bytes`] that automatically /// implements a fallback. Provide 1 to 16 characters. #[macro_export] macro_rules! bytes {{ {}}} "#, arms ).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Could not write {}: {}", base.display(), e)); } fn macros_ascii_chars(f: &mut File, base: &Path) { let arms: String = (1..=16) .map(|max| { let args: Vec<_> = (0..max).map(|i| format!("$b{:02}:expr", i)).collect(); let args = args.join(", "); let arg_values: Vec<_> = (0..max).map(|i| format!("$b{:02} as u8", i)).collect(); let mut array = arg_values.clone(); array.extend((max..16).map(|_| String::from("0"))); let array = array.join(", "); let closure_body: Vec<_> = arg_values.iter().map(|n| format!("{} == c", n)).collect(); let closure = format!("|c| {}", closure_body.join(" || ")); format!( "({}) => ($crate::AsciiChars::new([{}], {}, {}));\n", args, array, max, closure ) }) .collect(); write!( f, r#" /// A convenience constructor for an [`AsciiChars`] that automatically /// implements a fallback. Provide 1 to 16 characters. #[macro_export] macro_rules! ascii_chars {{ {}}} "#, arms ).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Could not write {}: {}", base.display(), e)); } fn simd_macros() { let mut base: PathBuf = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap().into(); base.push("src"); fs::create_dir_all(&base) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Could not create directory {}: {}", base.display(), e)); base.push(""); let mut f = File::create(&base) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Could not create {}: {}", base.display(), e)); let arms: String = (1..=16) .map(|max| { let args: Vec<_> = (0..max).map(|i| format!("$b{:02}:expr", i)).collect(); let args = args.join(", "); let mut array: Vec<_> = (0..max).map(|i| format!("$b{:02}", i)).collect(); array.extend((max..16).map(|_| String::from("0"))); let array = array.join(", "); format!( "({}) => ($crate::simd::Bytes::new([{}], {}));\n", args, array, max ) }) .collect(); write!( &mut f, r#" #[allow(unused_macros)] macro_rules! simd_bytes {{ {}}} "#, arms ).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Could not write {}: {}", base.display(), e)); }