#ifndef CPPJIEBA_FULLSEGMENT_H #define CPPJIEBA_FULLSEGMENT_H #include #include #include #include "limonp/Logging.hpp" #include "DictTrie.hpp" #include "SegmentBase.hpp" #include "Unicode.hpp" namespace cppjieba { class FullSegment: public SegmentBase { public: FullSegment(const string& dictPath) { dictTrie_ = new DictTrie(dictPath); isNeedDestroy_ = true; } FullSegment(const DictTrie* dictTrie) : dictTrie_(dictTrie), isNeedDestroy_(false) { assert(dictTrie_); } ~FullSegment() { if (isNeedDestroy_) { delete dictTrie_; } } void Cut(const string& sentence, vector& words) const { vector tmp; Cut(sentence, tmp); GetStringsFromWords(tmp, words); } void Cut(const string& sentence, vector& words) const { PreFilter pre_filter(symbols_, sentence); PreFilter::Range range; vector wrs; wrs.reserve(sentence.size()/2); while (pre_filter.HasNext()) { range = pre_filter.Next(); Cut(range.begin, range.end, wrs); } words.clear(); words.reserve(wrs.size()); GetWordsFromWordRanges(sentence, wrs, words); } void Cut(RuneStrArray::const_iterator begin, RuneStrArray::const_iterator end, vector& res) const { //resut of searching in trie tree LocalVector > tRes; //max index of res's words int maxIdx = 0; // always equals to (uItr - begin) int uIdx = 0; //tmp variables int wordLen = 0; assert(dictTrie_); vector dags; dictTrie_->Find(begin, end, dags); for (size_t i = 0; i < dags.size(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < dags[i].nexts.size(); j++) { size_t nextoffset = dags[i].nexts[j].first; assert(nextoffset < dags.size()); const DictUnit* du = dags[i].nexts[j].second; if (du == NULL) { if (dags[i].nexts.size() == 1 && maxIdx <= uIdx) { WordRange wr(begin + i, begin + nextoffset); res.push_back(wr); } } else { wordLen = du->word.size(); if (wordLen >= 2 || (dags[i].nexts.size() == 1 && maxIdx <= uIdx)) { WordRange wr(begin + i, begin + nextoffset); res.push_back(wr); } } maxIdx = uIdx + wordLen > maxIdx ? uIdx + wordLen : maxIdx; } uIdx++; } } private: const DictTrie* dictTrie_; bool isNeedDestroy_; }; } #endif