banner jinja-lsp enhances minijinja development experience by providing Helix/Nvim users with advanced features such as autocomplete, syntax highlighting, hover, goto definition, code actions and linting.
## Installation ```sh cargo install jinja-lsp ``` ## Features ### Autocomplete Intelligent suggestions for variables in current template, as well as variables, templates and filters defined on backend side. ### Linting Highlights errors and potential bugs in your jinja templates. ### Hover Preview See the complete filter or variable description by hovering over it. ### Code Actions It's recommended to reset variables on server in case you rename/delete file. ### Goto Definition Quickly jump to definition. Works for Rust identifiers as well. ### Snippets ### Document symbols ## Configuration Language server configuration ```json { "templates": "./TEMPLATES_DIR", "backend": ["./BACKEND_DIR"], "lang": "rust"} ```` Helix configuration ```toml [language-server.jinja-lsp] command = "jinja-lsp" config = { templates = "./templates", backend = ["./src"], lang = "rust"} timeout = 5 [[language]] name = "jinja" language-servers = ["jinja-lsp"] ``` Neovim configuration ```lua vim.filetype.add { extension = { jinja = 'jinja', jinja2 = 'jinja', j2 = 'jinja', }, } -- if you want to debug vim.lsp.set_log_level("debug") local nvim_lsp = require('lspconfig') local configs = require('lspconfig.configs') if not configs.jinja_lsp then configs.jinja_lsp = { default_config = { name = "jinja-lsp", cmd = { 'path_to_lsp_or_command' }, filetypes = { 'jinja', 'rust' }, root_dir = function(fname) return "." --return nvim_lsp.util.find_git_ancestor(fname) end, init_options = { templates = './templates', backend = { './src' }, lang = "rust" }, }, } end local capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').default_capabilities(vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()) nvim_lsp.jinja_lsp.setup { capabilities = capabilities } nvim_lsp.jinja_lsp.setup { } ``` You can also write configuration in: `pyproject.toml`, `Cargo.toml`, `jinja-lsp.toml`. ```toml [jinja-lsp] templates = "./templates" backend = ["./src"] lang = "rust" ``` Supported languages: Python, Rust