# SearchAndReconcileRequestBean ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **expand** | Option<**String**> | Use [expand](em>#expansion) to include additional information about issues in the response. Note that, unlike the majority of instances where `expand` is specified, `expand` is defined as a list of values. The expand options are: * `renderedFields` Returns field values rendered in HTML format. * `names` Returns the display name of each field. * `schema` Returns the schema describing a field type. * `changelog` Returns a list of recent updates to an issue, sorted by date, starting from the most recent. | [optional] **fields** | Option<**Vec**> | A list of fields to return for each issue. Use it to retrieve a subset of fields. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include: * `*all` Returns all fields. * `*navigable` Returns navigable fields. * `id` Returns only issue IDs. * Any issue field, prefixed with a dash to exclude. The default is `id`. Examples: * `summary,comment` Returns the summary and comments fields only. * `*all,-comment` Returns all fields except comments. Multiple `fields` parameters can be included in a request. Note: By default, this resource returns IDs only. This differs from [GET issue](#api-rest-api-3-issue-issueIdOrKey-get) where the default is all fields. | [optional] **fields_by_keys** | Option<**bool**> | Reference fields by their key (rather than ID). The default is `false`. | [optional] **jql** | Option<**String**> | A [JQL](https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/egORLQ) expression. For performance reasons, this field requires a bounded query. A bounded query is a query with a search restriction. * Example of an unbounded query: `order by key desc`. * Example of a bounded query: `assignee = currentUser() order by key`. | [optional] **max_results** | Option<**i32**> | The maximum number of items to return. Depending on search criteria, real number of items returned may be smaller. | [optional][default to 50] **next_page_token** | Option<**String**> | The continuation token to fetch the next page. This token is provided by the response of this endpoint. | [optional] **properties** | Option<**Vec**> | A list of up to 5 issue properties to include in the results. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. | [optional] **reconcile_issues** | Option<**Vec**> | Strong consistency issue ids to be reconciled with search results. Accepts max 50 ids. All issues must exist. | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)