// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Bitcoin Dev Kit Developers // // This file is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your option. // You may not use this file except in accordance with one or both of these // licenses. use jitash_bdk::blockchain::{Blockchain, ElectrumBlockchain}; use jitash_bdk::database::MemoryDatabase; use jitash_bdk::wallet::AddressIndex; use jitash_bdk::{descriptor, SyncOptions}; use jitash_bdk::{FeeRate, SignOptions, Wallet}; use bitcoin::secp256k1::Secp256k1; use bitcoin::{Address, Network}; use electrum_client::Client; use miniscript::descriptor::DescriptorSecretKey; use std::error::Error; use std::str::FromStr; /// This example shows how to sign and broadcast the transaction for a PSBT (Partially Signed /// Bitcoin Transaction) for a single key, witness public key hash (WPKH) based descriptor wallet. /// The electrum protocol is used to sync blockchain data from the testnet bitcoin network and /// wallet data is stored in an ephemeral in-memory database. The process steps are: /// 1. Create a "signing" wallet and a "watch-only" wallet based on the same private keys. /// 2. Deposit testnet funds into the watch only wallet. /// 3. Sync the watch only wallet and create a spending transaction to return all funds to the testnet faucet. /// 4. Sync the signing wallet and sign and finalize the PSBT created by the watch only wallet. /// 5. Broadcast the transactions from the finalized PSBT. fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { // test key created with `bdk-cli key generate` and `bdk-cli key derive` commands let external_secret_xkey = DescriptorSecretKey::from_str("[e9824965/84'/1'/0']tprv8fvem7qWxY3SGCQczQpRpqTKg455wf1zgixn6MZ4ze8gRfHjov5gXBQTadNfDgqs9ERbZZ3Bi1PNYrCCusFLucT39K525MWLpeURjHwUsfX/0/*").unwrap(); let internal_secret_xkey = DescriptorSecretKey::from_str("[e9824965/84'/1'/0']tprv8fvem7qWxY3SGCQczQpRpqTKg455wf1zgixn6MZ4ze8gRfHjov5gXBQTadNfDgqs9ERbZZ3Bi1PNYrCCusFLucT39K525MWLpeURjHwUsfX/1/*").unwrap(); let secp = Secp256k1::new(); let external_public_xkey = external_secret_xkey.to_public(&secp).unwrap(); let internal_public_xkey = internal_secret_xkey.to_public(&secp).unwrap(); let signing_external_descriptor = descriptor!(wpkh(external_secret_xkey)).unwrap(); let signing_internal_descriptor = descriptor!(wpkh(internal_secret_xkey)).unwrap(); let watch_only_external_descriptor = descriptor!(wpkh(external_public_xkey)).unwrap(); let watch_only_internal_descriptor = descriptor!(wpkh(internal_public_xkey)).unwrap(); // create client for Blockstream's testnet electrum server let blockchain = ElectrumBlockchain::from(Client::new("ssl://electrum.blockstream.info:60002")?); // create watch only wallet let watch_only_wallet: Wallet = Wallet::new( watch_only_external_descriptor, Some(watch_only_internal_descriptor), Network::Testnet, MemoryDatabase::default(), )?; // create signing wallet let signing_wallet: Wallet = Wallet::new( signing_external_descriptor, Some(signing_internal_descriptor), Network::Testnet, MemoryDatabase::default(), )?; println!("Syncing watch only wallet."); watch_only_wallet.sync(&blockchain, SyncOptions::default())?; // get deposit address let deposit_address = watch_only_wallet.get_address(AddressIndex::New)?; let balance = watch_only_wallet.get_balance()?; println!("Watch only wallet balances in SATs: {}", balance); if balance.get_total() < 10000 { println!( "Send at least 10000 SATs (0.0001 BTC) from the u01.net testnet faucet to address '{addr}'.\nFaucet URL: https://bitcoinfaucet.uo1.net/?to={addr}", addr = deposit_address.address ); } else if balance.get_spendable() < 10000 { println!( "Wait for at least 10000 SATs of your wallet transactions to be confirmed...\nBe patient, this could take 10 mins or longer depending on how testnet is behaving." ); for tx_details in watch_only_wallet .list_transactions(false)? .iter() .filter(|txd| txd.received > 0 && txd.confirmation_time.is_none()) { println!( "See unconfirmed tx for {} SATs: https://mempool.space/testnet/tx/{}", tx_details.received, tx_details.txid ); } } else { println!("Creating a PSBT sending 9800 SATs plus fee to the u01.net testnet faucet return address 'tb1ql7w62elx9ucw4pj5lgw4l028hmuw80sndtntxt'."); let return_address = Address::from_str("tb1ql7w62elx9ucw4pj5lgw4l028hmuw80sndtntxt")?; let mut builder = watch_only_wallet.build_tx(); builder .add_recipient(return_address.script_pubkey(), 9_800) .enable_rbf() .fee_rate(FeeRate::from_sat_per_vb(1.0)); let (mut psbt, details) = builder.finish()?; println!("Transaction details: {:#?}", details); println!("Unsigned PSBT: {}", psbt); // Sign and finalize the PSBT with the signing wallet let finalized = signing_wallet.sign(&mut psbt, SignOptions::default())?; assert!(finalized, "The PSBT was not finalized!"); println!("The PSBT has been signed and finalized."); // Broadcast the transaction let raw_transaction = psbt.extract_tx(); let txid = raw_transaction.txid(); blockchain.broadcast(&raw_transaction)?; println!("Transaction broadcast! TXID: {txid}.\nExplorer URL: https://mempool.space/testnet/tx/{txid}", txid = txid); } Ok(()) }