# jmap-rs A JMAP parser/generator in Rust ## What is JMAP? JMAP is the JSON Mail Access Protocol, an API for accessing mail, calendars and contacts on a server. In simple terms its a HTTP+JSON replacement for IMAP, CalDAV and CardDAV. See [jmap.io](http://jmap.io/) for more info. ## What is jmap-rs? Everything you need to parse, generate and manipulate JMAP data structures from Rust. Its what you need if you're writing a JMAP server or client. [salada](https://github.com/robn/salada) is a JMAP server that uses this library. ## Status Tracking the JMAP spec as at 2016-02-09. Currently can round-trip JMAP Contact, ContactGroup, Calendar, CalendarEvent and Mailbox objects and CRUD methods into the corresponding Rust structures and back. More is being added as required by client projects (mainly salada). ## Credits and license Copyright (c) 2015 Robert Norris. MIT license. See LICENSE. ## Contributing Pull requests are very welcome! For more general discussions about jmap-rs or JMAP, try the [jmap-discuss](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/jmap-discuss) mailing list or [#jmap on Freenode IRC](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=jmap).